Monday, September 30, 2019
History of the Old Testament Essay
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows enough to refuse evil and choose good. For before the boy will know enough to refuse evil and choose good, the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken. I. Historical context of Isaiah 7:14-16 The historical setting is critical to the account since the prophet supplies it and the oracle draws on its timing. With a close study of the events referred to we may date the oracle in this chapter to 734 B. C. (Ross,Allen) It was when the ruthless Assyrian conqueror, on the throne is Tiglathpileser III, a ruthless and powerful king was terrorizing the all other nations, and Judah, unwilling to join in a coalition against him, was attacked by Israel and Syria, the ancient Aramaea , with its main city in Damascus, and Ephraim, the northern Israelite state, with its main city Samaria and therefore, King Ahaz when he heard of this coalition was thinking seriously of inviting Assyrian help(Tiglathpileser III). It must be pointed out that the whole purpose was to dissuade King Ahaz from embarking a wrong course of action, namely, that of relying upon Assyria rather than upon the Lord. In the name of Jehovah, it was this moment the prophet commences with a historical announcement. Isaiah 7:1 says It came to pass, in the days of Ahaz son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that Rezin the king of Aramaea, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up toward Jerusalem to war against it, and could not make war against it. The Syrian king Rezin had come up against Jerusalem and with him was Pekah of Israel. Their purpose was to wage war, but unable to besiege it the prophecy of the chapter is amazingly accurate. The sign that a boy was about to be born is the pivotal point. Before he would be old enough to tell right from wrong, that is, about 12 years old, the enemies would not only be defeated but cease to exist. According to history, Shalmaneser V (the successor to Tiglathpileser) campaigned against the land and besieged Samaria. He died in the duration and was succeeded by Sargon II who completed the destruction of the northern state in 722 or 721 B. C. So the oracle in Isaiah 7 could be dated about twelve years before that destruction in 722 B. (Ross, Allen ) II. Literary Context of Isaiah 7:14-16 Therefore the Lord Himself give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows enough to refuse evil and choose good. The word therefore signifies that something had taken place before the incident forwarded here in verse 14, and inasmuch as the wicked king in hypocritical fashion rejects the opportunity of asking for a sign, then he lost the privilege of asking a sign in his own favor. Instead the Lord Himself will give a sign, and this one of His own choosing, announcing the birth of a wondrous Child as the sign of deliverance, and making the infancy of that Child the measure of the time that Judah is yet to suffer affliction, before the time of deliverance will come. Yet as we have seen because of Ahaz’ unbelief after the comfortable promises made to him as a branch of the house of David, what took place was a terrible threatening against him, as a degenerate branch of that house; for though the God was patience and His loving kindness shall not be utterly taken away, for the sake of David and the covenant made with, yet his inequity shall be dealt with the rod, and his sin with stripes. In fulfillment of the prophecy, the Egyptians and the Assyrians filled the land in their war with each other. Devastation from this war severely tested the people, so that nothing grew in the fields, and the survivors had to rely on curds and honey. This led up to and included the invasion of 701 B. C. under Sennacherib, the next Assyrian king, when Hezekiah was on the throne in Jerusalem, and 200,000 people from Judah were carried off into captivity. As we shall see, the details of the Assyrian crisis are very accurately prophesied in these oracles (Ross, Allen_______& Young, E. J. 1993). III. Commentary on Isaiah 7:14-16 Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Since the King did not ask for a sign that the land shall be delivered from the enemies, Yahweh will furnish one unasked. Yahweh will not withhold it because a proud and contemptuous King refuses to seek it. The LORD himself, He will do it and not hindered though it is rejected and despised; he will do it because of its necessity – for the welfare of the nation, and for the confirmation of his religion, to furnish a demonstration to the people that he is the only true God. It is clearly implied here, that the emphasis is that the sign should be such as Yahweh alone could give. If this refers to the birth of a child, then it means that this was an event which could be known only to God, and which could be accomplished only by his agency. If it refers to the miraculous conception and birth of the Messiah, then it means that that was an event which none but God could accomplish. Shall give you, primarily refers to the house of David; the king and royal family of Judah. It was especially designed to assure the government that the kingdom would be safe. Doubtless, however, the word ‘you’ is designed to include the nation, or the people of the kingdom of Judah. It would be so public a sign, and so clear a demonstration, as to convince them that their city and land must be ultimately safe. A sign, a pledge; a token; an evidence of the fulfillment of what is predicted. The word does not, of necessity, denote a miracle, though it is often so applied; see the notes at Isaiah 7:11. But rather it means a proof, a demonstration, a certain indication that what he had said should come to its fulfillment. Behold this interjection serves to designate persons and things; places and actions. It is used in lively descriptions, and animated discourse; or when anything unusual was said, or occurred; it means, that an event was to occur which demanded the attention of the unbelieving King, and the regard of the people-an event which would be a full demonstration of what the prophet had said. A virgin, it is used in its obvious natural sense, to denote a young, unmarried female. The derivatives are applied to youth; to young men; to young women-to those who â€Å"are growing up,†and becoming youths. This virgin as used in his word properly means a girl, maiden, virgin, a young woman who is unmarried, and who is of marriageable age. And shall call his name, it was usual for â€Å"mothers†to give names to their children. The idea is, it is the â€Å"appropriate†name that would be given to the child. Although another name was also given to this child, expressing substantially the same thing, with a circumstantial difference. Immanuel a Hebrew name which means ‘God with us’ – the name is designed to denote that God would be with the nation as its protector, and the birth of this child would be a sign or pledge of it. The name, Immanuel, denotes nothing more than divine aid and protection. Others have supposed, however, that the name must denote the assumption of our nature by God in the person of the Messiah, that is, that God became man. The true interpretation is, that no argument to prove that can be derived from the use of the name; but when the fact of the incarnation has been demonstrated from other sources, the â€Å"name is appropriately expressive of that event. ( Barnes, 1997). Isaiah 7:15 He will eat curds and honey at the time He knows enough to refuse evil and choose good. (NASV) Young( ), showed that the infancy of the promised Messiah is made the measure of the time that Judah will be in danger from her two enemies. This thought namely, namely the duration of a period of difficulty, is expressed symbolically in that Immanuel iws pictured as subsisting during His infancy on curds and honey, which was symbolical royal diet. From the time of His birth, supposedly, the Child will eat this peculiar food, and at the time when He can discern between good and evil, rejecting the one and choosing the other, He will be eating these things. At an early age a child learns to reject evil and to choose good, or at least to distinguish between the two. Thus, by means of this measure, we learn that the affliction or desolation of the two enemy kings is short-lived, possibly only two or three years. The reference may be to what is injurious or useful in life but in the light of the usage of this phrase in Genesis 2, it clearly refers also to what is morally good and evil. Isaiah 7:16 For before the boy will know enough to refuse evil and choose good, the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken. (NASV) The land that you dread, the land concerning which thou art so much â€Å"alarmed or distressed;†that is, the united land of Syria and Ephraim. Refers to one land, because they were united then in a firm alliance, so as to constitute, in fact, or for the purposes of invasion and conquest, one people or nation. The phrase, ‘which you dread,’ means properly, which thou loathes, the primary idea of the word – being to feel a nausea, or to throw up. It then means to fear, or to feel alarm; and this, probably, is the meaning here. Ahaz, however, evidently looked upon the nations of Syria and Samaria with disgust, as well as with alarm. The meaning of the â€Å"land†is that the kings themselves were the objects of dislike or dread; and not merely that the two kings should be removed, but that the land itself was threatened with desolation. This construction is an exegetical kind which agrees with the idiom of the Hebrew. (Barnes, 1993) IV Summary of Isaiah 7:14-16 As a summary of these three verses it was shown that in verse 14 Isaiah made a proclamation that the Lord will give a sign. This seeing of the virgin is not with with the physical eyes, Isaiah have not seen the Messiah in His physical birth, but in vision. In vision, then, the prophet beholds the virgin with child. An in the birth of this son, the presence of God is manifest in a most unique way. The fourteenth verse constitutes a sure and a definite fulfillment of the prophecy of the birth of Immanuel. With verse 15 the prophet proceeds to show that the infancy of the Messiah a symbolical representation of the fact that the threat which overhung Judah would be short-lived. This he does by picturing the child in vision eating royal food (according to commentator Young – which I prefer to use in this summary). The child will eat this food, symbol of threat and desolation; yet before He reaches the age where He knows the difference between good and evil, the two kings which Ahaz dreads will forsake the land of Israel, and there will be nothing more for him to fear from them. The prophetical naming of this child having thus had its accomplishment, no doubt this, which was further added concerning him, should have its accomplishment likewise, that Syria and Israel should be deprived of both their kings. One mercy from God encourages us to hope for another, if it engages us to prepare for another. BIBLIOGRAPHY Barnes’ Notes, Barnes and Nobles Commentary. Electronic Database. (Copyright (c) 1997 by Biblesoft) Ross, Allen. â€Å"A Call for Faith and the Sign for Emmanuel†. Bible. Org < http://www. bible. org/page. php? page_id=2088> Young, E. J. â€Å"The Book of Isaiah: A Commentary†. (Michigan:William B. Eerdsman Publishing Company, 1993)
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Deception Point Page 47
Arriving now at the doorway of the Communications Office, Tench felt alive with the thrill of the fight. Politics was war. She took a deep breath and checked her watch. 6:15 P.M. The first shot was about to be fired. She entered. The Communications Office was small not for lack of room, but for lack of necessity. It was one of the most efficient mass communications stations in the world and employed a staff of only five people. At the moment, all five employees stood over their banks of electronic gear looking like swimmers poised for the starting gun. They are ready, Tench saw in their eager gazes. It always amazed her that this tiny office, given only two hours head start, could contact more than one third of the world's civilized population. With electronic connections to literally tens of thousands of global news sources-from the largest television conglomerates to the smallest hometown newspapers-the White House Communications Office could, at the touch of a few buttons, reach out and touch the world. Fax-broadcast computers churned press releases into the in-boxes of radio, television, print, and Internet media outlets from Maine to Moscow. Bulk e-mail programs blanketed on-line news wires. Telephone autodialers phoned thousands of media content managers and played recorded voice announcements. A breaking news Web page provided constant updates and preformatted content. The â€Å"live-feed-capable†news sources-CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, foreign syndicates-would be assaulted from all angles and promised free, live television feeds. Whatever else these networks were airing would come to a screeching halt for an emergency presidential address. Full penetration. Like a general inspecting her troops, Tench strode in silence over to the copy desk and picked up the printout of the â€Å"flash release†that now sat loaded in all the transmission machines like cartridges in a shotgun. When Tench read it, she had to laugh quietly to herself. By usual standards, the release loaded for broadcast was heavy-handed-more of an advertisement than an announcement-but the President had ordered the Communications Office to pull out all the stops. And that they had. This text was perfect-keyword-rich and content light. A deadly combination. Even the news wires that used automated â€Å"keyword-sniffer†programs to sort their incoming mail would see multiple flags on this one: From: White House Communications Office Subject: Urgent Presidential Address The President of the United States will be holding an urgent press conference tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time from the White House briefing room. The topic of his announcement is currently classified. Live A/V feeds will be available via customary outlets. Laying the paper back down on the desk, Marjorie Tench looked around the Communications Office and gave the staff an impressed nod. They looked eager. Lighting a cigarette, she puffed a moment, letting the anticipation build. Finally, she grinned. â€Å"Ladies and gentlemen. Start your engines.†53 All logical reasoning had evaporated from Rachel Sexton's mind. She held no thoughts for the meteorite, the mysterious GPR printout in her pocket, Ming, the horrific attack on the ice sheet. There was one matter at hand. Survival. The ice skimmed by in a blur beneath her like an endless, sleek highway. Whether her body was numb with fear or simply cocooned by her protective suit, Rachel did not know, but she felt no pain. She felt nothing. Yet. Lying on her side, attached to Tolland at the waist, Rachel lay face-to-face with him in an awkward embrace. Somewhere ahead of them, the balloon billowed, fat with wind, like a parachute on the back of a dragster. Corky trailed behind, swerving wildly like a tractor trailer out of control. The flare marking the spot where they had been attacked had all but disappeared in the distance. The hissing of their nylon Mark IX suits on the ice grew higher and higher in pitch as they continued to accelerate. She had no idea how fast they were going now, but the wind was at least sixty miles an hour, and the frictionless runway beneath them seemed to be racing by faster and faster with every passing second. The impervious Mylar balloon apparently had no intentions of tearing or relinquishing its hold. We need to release, she thought. They were racing away from one deadly force-directly toward another. The ocean is probably less than a mile ahead now! The thought of icy water brought back terrifying memories. The wind gusted harder, and their speed increased. Somewhere behind them Corky let out a scream of terror. At this speed, Rachel knew they had only a few minutes before they were dragged out over the cliff into the frigid ocean. Tolland was apparently having similar thoughts because he was now fighting with the payload clasp attached to their bodies. â€Å"I can't unhook us!†he yelled. â€Å"There's too much tension!†Rachel hoped a momentary lull in the wind might give Tolland some slack, but the katabatic pulled on with relentless uniformity. Trying to help, Rachel twisted her body and rammed the toe cleat of one of her crampons into the ice, sending a rooster tail of ice shards into the air. Their velocity slowed ever so slightly. â€Å"Now!†she yelled, lifting her foot. For an instant the payload line on the balloon slackened slightly. Tolland yanked down, trying to take advantage of the loose line to maneuver the payload clip out of their carabiners. Not even close. â€Å"Again!†he yelled. This time they both twisted against one another and rammed their toe prongs into the ice, sending a double plume of ice into the air. This slowed the contraption more perceptibly. â€Å"Now!†On Tolland's cue, they both let up. As the balloon surged forward again, Tolland rammed his thumb into the carabiner latch and twisted the hook, trying to release the clasp. Although closer this time, he still needed more slack. The carabiners, Norah had bragged, were first-rate, Joker safety clips, specifically crafted with an extra loop in the metal so they would never release if there were any tension on them at all. Killed by safety clips, Rachel thought, not finding the irony the least bit amusing. â€Å"One more time!†Tolland yelled. Mustering all her energy and hope, Rachel twisted as far as she could and rammed both of her toes into the ice. Arching her back, she tried to lift all her weight onto her toes. Tolland followed her lead until they were both angled roughly on their stomachs, the connection at their belt straining their harnesses. Tolland rammed his toes down and Rachel arched farther. The vibrations sent shock waves up her legs. She felt like her ankles were going to break. â€Å"Hold it†¦ hold it†¦ †Tolland contorted himself to release the Joker clip as their speed decreased. â€Å"Almost†¦ â€Å" Rachel's crampons snapped. The metal cleats tore off of her boots and went tumbling backward into the night, bouncing over Corky. The balloon immediately lurched forward, sending Rachel and Tolland fishtailing to one side. Tolland lost his grasp on the clip. â€Å"Shit!†The Mylar balloon, as if angered at having been momentarily restrained, lurched forward now, pulling even harder, dragging them down the glacier toward the sea. Rachel knew they were closing fast on the cliff, although they faced danger even before the hundred-foot drop into the Arctic Ocean. Three huge snow berms stood in their path. Even protected by the padding in the Mark IX suits, the experience of launching at high speed up and over the snow mounds filled her with terror. Fighting in desperation with their harnesses, Rachel tried to find a way to release the balloon. It was then that she heard the rhythmic ticking on the ice-the rapid-fire staccato of lightweight metal on the sheet of bare ice.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Roman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Roman - Essay Example r for the blue faction is thought to have started racing at the age of 13 years or even younger (4) bringing in the question of whether the game was a reserve of adults or was open to everybody. This game was so well organized to an extent of associating rules of the game with religion. †sometimes the chariots would be called back to the starting line and the race would be started over, this may have been in response to the mistakes in religious rituals.’’(Footnotes (1)). Even though there is no specific reason for each charioteer being called back, the reasons are summed up to religious factors or foul play a test for which all of them failed. This alone shows earlier religious life of the charioteers as well as all the participants. Apart from unavailable family attachments of the gamers, it is also evident as a common factor among all the charioteers that their lives ended earlier than normal for those whose details are documented about the year of death. This plus other factors points to the question of whether the lives of the charioteers was had a commonality. From the documented facts from all the sources, the motivation seemed not only to be the prices but also the national recognition. Some even went ahead to build and inscribe monuments by themselves while still alive. Publius Aelius Gutta who is also known to have won a sixteen chariot race four from each color and with a documented father built his own monument while still alive (10). His life just like the rest of the charioteers was riddled with races with many victories, recalls, first runner-up and third runner-up positions. For others who did not build their monuments while still alive, had them built by other people. Their characters, poems as well as victories were written on their tomb and an altar built on their names for any passer-by to read and get to know them (6). A good example is that of Fuscus whose competition was praised even after his death. It is not indicated whether he
Friday, September 27, 2019
Gun Control and Laws Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Gun Control and Laws - Research Paper Example As the discussion outlines the rate of firearm homicide in the US is twenty times greater than that of other high income countries. The extremely high rates of firearm homicide are contributed by the high gun accessibility and ownership prevalence (a gun in every two homes) counteracted by much less restraining gun laws. As a result, firearm crime in the US is much fatal than other identical income level countries. For the US economy, the high prevalence of gun ownership is a cause of enormous economic costs since injuries and death arising from firearms result to medical expenses and expenditure from lost productivity. In the United States, gun control is a controversy that is debated on arguments about whether guns formulate the safety of citizens or not, while gun control is equated to restricting gun ownership. As of the United States federal laws, only certain categories of people are prohibited from possessing firearms as stated in the Gun Control Act. However, 24 states allow persons 18 years and over to purchase a gun from any store by just filling out the required paperwork. However this minimum age restriction has elevated the risk of victimization or perpetration given that grave aggressive crimes are at peak intensity throughout adolescence and in early 20s. Among others, those prohibited from owning firearms include felons; persons involuntarily committed to a mental institution; illegal aliens; persons obsessed or illegitimately using illicit substances; persons with limiting orders for matrimonial violence; and fugitive. Nevertheless, the United States Bill of Rights outlines the rig ht of people to keep and bear arms and is supported by the American constitution.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Alternative and Traditional Medicine Term Paper
Alternative and Traditional Medicine - Term Paper Example A sick person often seeks treatment from a practitioner who admire the most and belief. Traditional is regarded as the conservative kind of approach to treatment. Traditional medicine also referred to as western medicine specializes more on drugs and surgeries. It is often preferred in cases that are very serious and likely to cost someone life. Each style however has its own advantages and disadvantages and there is certainly no practitioner that has all answers regarding treatment. They are both good and complementary to each other. Traditional medicine includes modern health science such as surgery and associated practices. It is also referred to as contemporary or Western medicine (Gordon, 1993). On the other hand, Alternative medicine refers to the collection of skills, practices and knowledge based on old theories or experiences and comprising a wide range of procedures native to diverse cultures across the world. Alternative science refers to a combination of unconventional practices to diagnose, prevent or treat any form of illness (Gordon, 1993). It has been proven that traditional medicine, in most cases focuses on the factors causing the disease, prevention and remedies but the environment and circumstances under which the disease occurred is not considered as the system is limited to the study of an anomaly and ways to remove it (Gordon, 1993). Since it has evolved over the ages, the alternative approach varies according to person and place. An example of a practice under this category is the Chinese medicine. The underlying principle of this system is to consider the ailment as a dynamic entity of the system and seek a means to uproot its foundation. It considers the illness as an upset of balance between the body and its surroundings. Thus, it focuses on cleansing the whole system rather than eliminating the immediate cause of the disease. Traditional medicine practices focuses on a single
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Love(write can decide) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Love(write can decide) - Essay Example This definition means that certain people feel the need to associate with the other person. However, this definition is challengeable due to its confusion with lust. In defining love from this perspective, it is worth to provide a detailed explanation that two are considered in genuine emotional attraction if they show committed to each other and handle their feeling through conflicts of interests (Cobbs 9). Thus, it should be more understood as commitment to understand one deeply and show real care. This kind of love is evident in Powers’ book, when Zaki states â€Å"It seems that you are ninety-nine percent in love when she doesn’nt know one percent†(34). This means that it should not be left from the point of emotional attraction for it much define lust, the craving desire towards a self gratification, which extend to the need for having sex. For instance, when Powers states, â€Å"I have not made love to a man since I left Belgrade to years ago†(73), this shows that the love in question is sexual involvement. Some scholars define love as how happily we connect to one another. This definition includes sharing oneself to others. It thus contrasts from the previous since this definition argues that when people are gathered at a place without any sign of danger, love just happens. Centrally, when sign of danger appears, people tend to grab and secure their loved ones to secure them from the danger (Ram 27). When it comes to assisting the loved one, assistance has no limit as one offers the best assistance ever. However, this definition lacks base for argument since the connection created among people has a reason. In fact, either of them or both have the interest to benefit from each other. As such, these people are not connected from love but a certain motive. Love has also been defined as the desire to help loved ones. In this definition, scholars believe that the desire happens without any instruction or a rule is a sign of love . This natural way of responding to people’s needs and rescue especially in the event of danger puts one at risk and may even die in the process (Boros 23). From this definition, it is evident that love makes one form brave decisions regarding assisting others, for example, in a fire event, a mother would throw herself in the middle of ablaze to rescue a child. At this moment, she does not care about the risk but the welfare of the baby. When love is between two people, it depends on how well interpersonal attraction is embraced and portrayed. Love is shown by the strength of emotional attachment one has towards others. The statement that love is kind may not be valid all round especially when it comes to affection between lovers. Among lovers, love is portrayed as selfish since a partner puts the other under restrictions, which may make life difficult for the person involved. This is because people are different and their interests are diverse so one thing may favor one part ner and discourage others (Wages 27). From personal understanding, love is characterized by positive traits like forgiveness. More often than not, people and even nations offend each other due to differences in their personal attributes, difference in the environment exposure, education level, and religion (Ram 5). Some people are keen and very petty and will feel offended when the expectations are cut short while outgoing people talk much
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
PERFORMANCE AND CULTURE I ESSAY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
PERFORMANCE AND CULTURE I - Essay Example He along with his colleagues Harold Clurman and Cheryl Crawford pioneered the American acting techniques and significantly contributed towards the actor training and played vital role in promoting the naturalistic acting style on stage and screen (Cole, 1995). He developed and explained the naturalistic style of acting and teach the actors to create neutralism in their acting style be relating the roles to their personal life experiences and emotions. The use of this technique added depth to the performance of the actors and they become able to give enhanced performance at theatre and movies (Sharon M. 1999). The following essay aims to discuss the contributions of Lee Strasberg to the training of the actors and his role in the development and promotion of the naturalistic style of acting. Strasberg was also an actor, director besides being a teacher of acting but the major proportion of his career journey was spent in developing and teaching different acting techniques (Barton, 2008). In the beginning of his career, Strasberg was interested in direction however soon he realized his passion for training the actors and then his complete attention was concentrated towards the training of the actors. In the ‘Group Theatre’ he taught several valuable acting techniques to the actors that later became successful and popular stars of the American theatre and film industry (Foster et al, 1989). In the Group Theatre he created the technique called The Method or Method Acting. Later he joined the non profit ‘Actor Studio’ in New York City in 1951 that was regarded as the most prestigious acting school of the country at that time (Sharon M. 1999). Later in 1969, Strasberg created his own acting academy entitled Lee Strasberg theatre and Film Institute. He established the institute in New York City and Hollywood where he
Monday, September 23, 2019
The detection of liver (hepatic carcinoma) image protocol using Research Proposal
The detection of liver (hepatic carcinoma) image protocol using 64-MDCT. The effect of contrast injection technique, patient size and low dose parameters on the image quality - Research Proposal Example The use of CT in detection of the liver has been there for several years. Parameters that control radiation calculation are many. For example, the default solutions, and iteration parameters, are used in most problems. The process of detection using the 64-MDCT requires patients that have lesions that are surgically proven. These patients then will have to undergo through the triple phase 64-MDCT process. The patients will be observed independently. Later, a thorough evaluation of MR and CT imaging process is required. This is done on a lesion-by-lesion point. According to Hayat (2009), the reproductively, negative and positive values and sensitivity are then evaluated. The diagnostic accuracy of the method is assessed against the alternative free response characteristics analysis. The main objective of the project is to develop a simple methodology. This is where users can establish exposure factors that can be practical to patients. This includes the patients with different body weights. The method is used instead of, relying on the current approach of using default values based upon standard sized patient. They developed a simple mAs prediction equation to optimize radiation dose for all patient weight categories. The results showed that patient weight can be a good predictor of required dose. In addition, an agreement can be reached, at a certain noise level, to be acceptable. Moreover, the value could be increased for larger patients. The radiation dose reduction requires the lowering of kV or mA settings, Schoenberg (2007). This will, however, increase the noise when all other settings are kept constant. The mA settings are adjusted continuously until the best results are achieved. The reduction of tube voltage is done. This is a strategy of reducing the dose as the image quality is improved. The attenuation of calcium and iodine levels is increased at lower kV.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
In-depth analysis of the great military leader George S. Patton from a Research Paper
In-depth analysis of the great military leader George S. Patton from a biographical and characteristic analysis prospective - Research Paper Example Background information Having been born in 1885, George S. Patton rose to become one of the finest officers in the army wing of the United States military. General George Patton, born in San Gabriel to George Smith Patton Sr. came from a Scots-Irish and English descent, according to the study of Wilcox (2010). As a little boy, he was a devoted reader; he particularly liked military stories and classics. This is because he grew up in a military family, though some of his relatives died earlier during the war. According to Wellard (2006), George Patton acquired the motivation to venture into military studies from his family members, who had the love of protecting the people and the entire country. George Patton joined Virginia military institute to pursue his ambitions for one year, and there he undertook studies on the Kappa Alpha Order. Having completed the one year course, George Patton enrolled in the United States Military Academy, which made it mandatory for him to repeat his fir st year as a result of poor performance in some subjects including mathematics. Due to George Patton’s enthusiastic attitude, he repeated the subject and received an honor declaring him a Cadet Adjutant, which was the second highest position a cadet could hold. Having shown dedication in his quest for being in the military, George Patton finished his studies in 1909 and was in a position to become cavalry officer. Literature review The essay focuses on the efforts that George Patton made to ensure that one day he becomes an artistic military officer. This is through enrollment in military schools as seen in the book by Sutcliffe (2005). The thesis places emphasis on the achievements of George Patton from the time he was working as a junior officer until the time when he climbed to become a general in the army. The essay focuses on the various expeditions that George Patton went through, the decisions that he was making that would negatively and positively affect various parti es, and the controversy surrounding him. Having been in the World Wars I and II, George Patton’s character depicts exemplary leadership; the essay explains his qualities that depict able leadership, including the decisions made during the attack on France and Mexico. Visiting injured soldiers shows that he was a praiseworthy leader. The essay focuses on the ways and methods used by George Patton in his quest to secure the nation through the military. The findings in the research regarding the efforts done by George Patton are in consideration. This is because they help link the research question with the previous works written by other researchers. Methodology Among the most important expeditions that the general led is the first mobilized military attack by the United State of America. In this punitive expedition, George Patton had a duty of conducting border patrols around the Fort Bliss. During the expeditions, some militia men made an attack on Mexico, killing a number of American citizens. The attackers faced retaliation from the armed forces led by George Patton. The attack mission was under his leadership; as a result of his enthusiasm towards the mission, according to the study work of Rice (2004), George Patton gained the title of personal aide to the general. General Patton also took part in the World War I, according to Rejai and Phillips (2006); at the onset of the war, when America made a decision to participate,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Teacher As A Resource For Students Essay Example for Free
Teacher As A Resource For Students Essay The boy came from The Dominican Republic and did not speak English. This proved to be a problem not just for the young student but his teacher, classmates, and school as well. How would he learn, cope and thrive is his new environment? How would his new surrounding help him adjust? These were the questions that, after a few interventions, were resolved successfully. The intervention began when an aide was appointed to help the boy by serving as his translator. It helped for a while until lessons were starting to get progress. To facilitate learning, I provided supplementary books for the boy’s teacher to equip her in helping the student. Concurrently, the student was given worksheets. With his aide and teacher by his side, the boy started adjusting to his new environment and was learning. He could speak little English and was able to interact with other children. This is a perfect example of what successful teaching is. Successful teaching is a fusion of personal and interpersonal skills and personal and professional commitment (Day, 1999). They act as resources for students. They are the agents of transferring knowledge, skills and values. In this case, employing an aide was a way of capturing and transferring knowledge. Doing one-on-one with the child was also advantageous for it broke the barrier of transmitting information. The aide, in her own way, became an important resource for the student. The teacher also acted as a vital resource. A teacher’s task is to teach but in this case, the teacher also had to learn. She was willing to learn to be able to teach. That is a marking of successful teaching, if a teacher can be a good source for a holistic development of a student. Continued one-on-one guidance with the boy should be encouraged until the boy has completely managed on his own. It is also favorable to continue exposing the boy to his new environment, allowing him to mingle with others and explore. Field trips and activities that foster cooperation may help.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Slow Learners In Malaysia Education Essay
Slow Learners In Malaysia Education Essay Abstract- Current trend indicate that learning through the use of application and courseware had become important teaching method. However, it is different case for slow learners. As most schools slowly adapting the more effective teaching method, they cannot keep up with the flow. Even though there are courseware developed for the slow learners, the courseware is far from fulfilling their specific needs. Statistic shows that in a US typical classroom there will be 3 or 4 slow learners. In areas of poverty and many low-income urban areas, the children per classroom who could be characterized as slow learners might be twice that number. The characteristic of the slow learners are often described as immature in relations, find it difficult to solve complex problem, work very slowly, can easily lose track of time, unable to perform long-term goals, and have poor concentration skills. However, they are very good with hands-on materials. This paper will present the development of coursewa re made to teach English for the slow learners. Keywords-component: courseware; slow learners; English; Introduction Background Slow learners are no longer rare cases in Malaysia. However, they are not categorized as people with special needs. Some might confuse the slow learners with dyslexia. However, both terms are different. Dyslexic will have difficulties in learning to read and write despite having same learning process and effort with others. For slow learners, they do not do well at schools or task that require extensive reading, writing, and mathematic but they perform great outside class especially in hands-on tasks. They will need extra time in completing the tasks given. Because of their characteristics, slow learners are always left behind as they cannot catch up with the learning process gone through by other kids. Even though new technology has been developed to enhance learning process, they are left out because it is not suited for their learning needs. This project is intend to enhance the English courseware specifically for the slow learners in way that will serve their learning needs which is different from other kids. The courseware will be focus on non-linear techniques to make it flexible and more conducive for the slow learners. As there is not much of courseware developed for slow learners, the product of the project will significantly bring the learning process for the slow learners into new level and brighten the hope for them to learn like normal kids. Problem Statement Teaching slow learners isnt same like teaching normal kids. Teaching them require different methods and approaches because of their characteristics. As learning process moving on taking advantage of computers and internet, slow learners are left behind because there are no specific learning applications for them that will suit their needs especially in critical subjects such as Science and Mathematic. There are lots of courseware in the market out there but it is too little in numbers and it is far from perfect. This new courseware to be developed will be a great tool for teacher to teach English to the slow learners because it will enhance whats already in the courseware and make it better. Objectives and Scope of Studies Objectives The objective of this project is to enhance the current English courseware from Mohd Izzat Helmi Bin Yahyas English Courseware for Slow Learners project and will be specifically designed for the slow learners so that the learning process will suit their needs. Because of their characteristics, the courseware will need careful designation.. The courseware will enrich English learning process which already in the current courseware and make it more interactive and flexible. Scope of Studies The project will involve the study of slow learner behavior and courseware development. The result of the study then will be analyzed to develop and enhancing cognitive skills training that will be integrated with the courseware so that the target to teach slow learners can be achieved. Target group of the courseware will be primary school student in Standard 4 to Standard 6 (10-12 years old). The courseware will be developed as a game to teach General English. Literature Review Game-Based Learning Marc Prensky (2003) says that since Pong is introduced in 1974, the unique expertise that game designers have honed to a superfine edge is player engagement: the ability to keep people in their seats for hour after hour, day after day, at rapt attention, actively trying to reach new goals, shouting with glee at their successes, determined to overcome their failures, all the while begging for more. Along with the new technology that had been developed in recent years, games had become more than just entertainment, it had evolve to become the medium of learning. In Digital Game-Based Learning (Prensky, 2001), explain that children nowadays are different from previous generation where they grow up with digital technology and their minds are changing to accommodate the technologies with which they spend more time. From there, it is clear that most children nowadays from different gender, ages and social groups spends most of the time with video games. Many experts see the values in video games as a medium of learning. Its true that this children love games more than schools but their attitudes toward games is the attitude of the learners; passionate, cooperative, and actively involve in problem-solving. Research by Zyda (2007) argue that computer games are an engaging medium for learning, since games can stimulate cognitive processes such as reading explicit and implicit information, deductive and inductive reasoning, problem-solving, and making inferences from information displayed across a number of screens To define game based learning will be quite complicated because there are several different opinion on the matter. Kirjavainen(2009) define game-based learning as field of research and game design based on observations that play, structured or unstructured, conditions the human brain for transformation and learning. Wee Hoe Tan(2008) defines game-based learning as form of learner-centered learning that uses electronic games for educational purposes. However, the concept of game-based learning is still the same; the use of game with the defined learning outcomes for the purpose of learning. Kasvi (2000) lists the seven requirements for effective learning environment as: Provide a high intensity of interaction and feedback; Have specific goals and established procedures; Be motivational; Provide a continual feeling of challenge, not too difficult to be frustrating nor too easy to create boredom; Provide a sense of direct engagement on the task involved; Provide the appropriate tools that fit the task; and Avoid distractions and disruptions that destroy the subjective experience. Kasvi (2000) suggests that computer games fulfill all of these requirements and believes that they satisfy them better than most other learning mediums. By looking at how the Western world had utilized game as learning module in classroom, it proves that the statement is true. R.V. Eck(2006) explain that games like Civilization, SimCity 4, Cruise Ship Tycoon, and Roller Coaster Tycoon had already been implemented in classroom. People might be skeptical at first glance. All these games have prove them wrong. For example, in Roller Coaster Tycoon students build roller-coasters to different specifications, which is what engineers should do. By extending the gameplay with basic learning process like calculus physic knowledge, it will make a valuable learning experience. Slow Learners in Malaysia In Malaysia, dyslexic children had begin to receive attention when MyLexics, a courseware to help the dyslexic learn basic Malay language is introduced (Haziq, 2009). However, its a different story for the slow learners. In fact, there are cases reported where slow learners are left behind in the classes (NST, 2008). Cases like this shouldnt happen because even though they are weak in study they are definitely very good in other aspects. Even worse, One in every three juvenile delinquent in integrity school in prison or detention centers displays learning difficulties including being slow learners. (The Star, 2008) Many believe that if these youth not identified and helped will cause them to end up as criminals. Most of them tend to drop out of schools and vulnerable to negative influence because of the problem they facing. Overcoming the Weaknesses Research by LearningRX(2006) argue that weak cognitive skills are the cause of learning disabilities such as dyslexia and slow learning. Important skills such as concentration, perception, memories and logical thinking are not as good as other normal people which make reading, writing, and thinking more difficult. However, this weakness can be improved through specific training and testing. Mel Levine (2008) explain that how Kitty Hawk Elementary School in North Carolina America had implied School Attuned Program using the Neurodevelopmental Profiles where all students with different cognitive skills can learn. Lisa Galleli, a teacher at Kitty Hawk describes her management plan for one such students as He had significant graphomotor weaknesses with spelling and writing. But he really shined in his social skills and that made all the difference in the world. He was also good at math and problem solving. We use his strength who keep him motivated with success while tackling his writing problem. The result had proved that it is not impossible to overcome the weakness. Neurodevelopmental Profile is researched and synthesized by Mel Levine and his colleagues consist of 8 constructs that are: Table 1: 8 constructs of Neurodevelopmental Profiles Attention This includes the ability to concentrate, focus on one thing rather than another, finish tasks, and control what one says and does Temporal-sequential ordering Whether its being able to recite the alphabet or pushing a response button on Jeopardy, being able to understand the time and sequence of pieces of information is a key component of learning. Spatial ordering The ability, for instance to distinguish between a circle and square or to use images to remember related information Memory Even if people are able to understand, organize, and interpret complex information at the moment, their inability to store and later recall can dramatically affect their performance. Language Developing language functions involves elaborate interaction between various parts of the brain that control such abilities as pronouncing words, understanding different sounds and comprehending written symbols Neuromotor functions The brains ability to coordinate motor or muscle function is key to many area of learning, including writing and keyboarding. Social cognition One of the most overlooked components of learning is the ability to succeed in social relationship with peer pressure. Higher-order cognition This involve the ability to understand and implement the steps necessary to solve problems, attack new areas of learning and think creatively. By realizing that every human have some strong functions and some weak ones, Mel Levine found that it is possible to describe each individuals unique mix of strength and weaknesses. Using the right method in developing the courseware and the right approach for the slow learners, it is not impossible that this courseware will be definitely help them. Formative VS Summative Evaluation In order to gather data for the enhancement of the courseware, an assessment need to be done. There are two methods to be used; formative evaluation and summative evaluation. According to H.L Roberts(2009), formative evaluations also known as developmental or implementation evaluation assess what works and what does not work about a particular activity or project as it is happening. It is used to assess the value of a project as it is taking place to determine how it can be improved. The method use in formative evaluation is the same like other assessment which include survey, interview or data collection. This type of evaluation relies on qualitative data that is how participants felt about the process as well as quantitative data, such as charts or test scores. Formative evaluation typically involves a small group of users and participants in the project being evaluated. Participants in formative evaluations look not just at the goals of the process and whether those goals are achieved but also at the process itself and where that process is a successful one or not. Even though this type of assessment is quite complex, there are benefit in it. It allow early identification of potential problem in the subject of assessment. Moreover, it can be a good way of gauge the user perception on the subject because it rely on user feedback. As for summative evaluation, Fox Valley Technical College(2007) describe it as process that concerns final evaluation to ask if the project or program met its goals. It is cumulative in nature. It concentrates on learner outcomes rather than only the program of instruction where the aim is to determine the users mastery and understanding of information, concept, skill or process. Ongoing summative assessment represents important tools for monitoring the progress across time. There are various method of summative assessment such as demonstration, licensing, internship, portfolio or clinical. Summative evaluation is typically quantitative, using numeric scores or letter grades to assess learner achievement. In a sense, it lets the learner know how they did and how good they are However, theres more to it. By looking at how the learners did, it helps to know whether the product teaches what it is supposed to teach and how efficient it is. Here the courseware will be using formative evaluation method. By using formative evaluation, the current English courseware functionality can be assessed to find out whether its working to perfectly or not.. Even if the courseware is working properly, it wont fulfill its objectives if the user (in this case student) dont like it or having problem in using it. By using formative evaluation method, user feedback can be recorded and area of improvement can be found. In conclusion, formative evaluation method will assess the courseware from two perspectives; the courseware functionality and user feedback. Both will greatly help in the enhancement process of the current courseware. Methodology Throw-Away Prototyping The methodology chosen for the project would be Throw-Away Prototyping. Dummy prototype, which is presentational only will be developed. Thorough analysis will be done before first dummy prototype is developed to ensure the prototype have enough details representing real working system. From there, the dummy prototype will be shown and tested with the user to get feedback and identify additional requirement. The next prototype will be developed until it really visualize real working system. When it is ready and all issues are resolved, it will be implemented as fully-functional system. Figure 1: Throw-Away Prototyping Planning The planning phase is the crucial one in developing the project. First thing to be considered is how the project will be developed. For that, the Gantt Chart for the project is build so that each project milestone during the one year of the project can be tracked. Other than that, research is made to find suitable tool to be used for the development of the project. As the project intended to enhance the current courseware, research also made to identify suitable test subject to try the current courseware. Initial Analysis During this phase, the test scenario is developed and interview as well as questionnaire is build to get data from the target school. Data is gathered as much as possible which also include slow learner syllabus in school and from there thorough analysis is done. The purpose is to identify strengths, weaknesses, area of improvement and what to be done for the enhancement process. Prototype Building After all analysis has been done, the design of the courseware begins. A sketch is done to get the overview of new courseware to be developed. The sketch will gone through refinement to integrate the content and multimedia elements (animations, flow of information, etc). The details of the design will be recorded. After all details completed, the development of the prototype begin. When the dummy prototype is complete with all required features, it will then tested at the school to find whether it visualize all the issue that should be addressed. If further refinement is required, the dummy prototype will continuously be build until all requirements is complete. Implementation After all requirements had been fulfilled and the dummy prototype is really visualizing the courseware, it will be declared to be complete and real working courseware will be implemented. Research Methodologies To get all the information required, two research methodologies will be chosen that are: Interview: An interview is conducted with the respective teacher of the school. A test scenario will be deployed to the student using the current courseware along with the interview. This is part of formative evaluation that will test the functionality of the courseware and gauge the user on how they use the courseware. The objective is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current courseware and find the area of improvement. Questionnaire: The interview and questionnaire will be done with the respective teacher to gain in depth details of how slow learners learn and gain all relevant data which will be reference in developing the new courseware. Result Discussion Requirement Gathering Interview In the way of gathering data required for the enhancement of the English courseware, an interview is conducted with Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf who is also the English teacher for Special Education Department. Using the current courseware made by Mohd Izzat Helmi B Yahya, a test scenario is deployed where the goal is to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of the courseware so that the result found can be implemented during the development of new English courseware. The test scenario will verify the conditions and steps taken in using the courseware sample to get the result for further analysis. Three slow learner students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf take part in the test scenario. Below are the details of the three students: Respondent 1 A 12 years old boy and is preparing for his UPSR next year. He falls into the category of normal slow learner. His performance in the class is very good. He has the basic skills of using computer which make him able to use the sample courseware properly. Respondent 2 A 12 years old boy. He falls under the category of slow learner and Syndrom Down. He has the basic skills of using computer which make him able to use the sample courseware properly. Respondent 3 A 7 years old boy. He just started his school early this year. He is the most challenging student because he falls under the ICU slow learners category. Moreover, he doesnt have basic skills of using computer which make the test scenario more difficult to be performed. The purpose of choosing these three students is to observe how different categories of slow learners make use of and react to the courseware. Basically, all the student use the courseware in the same way depends on their knowledge and skills about computer. Below is the summary of result from the test scenario done with all three students. Table 2: Summary of test Scenario Result No Simulation Date Action and Data Expected Result Actual Result 1 12 Apr 2010 Launch the courseware interface Courseware interface appear successfully 2 12 Apr 2010 Launching topic 1 Topic 1 launched successfully 3 12 Apr 2010 Launch Learn from topic 1 menu Learning module appear successfully 4 12 Apr 2010 Checking audio for topic one Audio working successfully 5 12 Apr 2010 Checking synchronization of audio and visual flows. Audio and visual is synchronized Flow of audio and visual is too fast 6 12 Apr 2010 Click the button Play Again for topic 1 learning module Audio and visual replay 7 12 Apr 2010 Launch Exercise for topic 1 Exercise launched successfully Exercise for Topic 3 about colors appear 8 12 Apr 2010 Performing exercise about numbers Exercise done successfully Exercise cannot be performed because exercise for colors appear 9 12 Apr 2010 Click the button Play Again for topic 1 exercise Exercise can be redo Exercise appear is not for topic 1 10 12 Apr 2010 Launching topic 2 Topic 2 launched successfully 11 12 Apr 2010 Launch Learn from topic 2 menu Learning module appear successfully 12 12 Apr 2010 Click and hover on the images of the body parts Audio and visuals working to describe the images Audio working only if cursor is hovered on the image. When image clicked, nothing happened 13 12 Apr 2010 Launch Exercise for topic 2 Exercise launched successfully 14 12 Apr 2010 Drag the words into the respective body part Words dragged successfully Because there are some input of the exercise not in the learning module of topic 2, student get confused easily 15 12 Apr 2010 Click the button Play Again for topic 1 exercise Exercise can be redo 16 12 Apr 2010 Launching topic 3 Topic 1 launched successfully 17 12 Apr 2010 Launch Learn from topic 3 menu Learning module appear successfully 18 12 Apr 2010 Click and hover on the images of the color. Audio and visuals working to describe the images Audio appear when the image is clicked. When it is hovered nothing happened 19 12 Apr 2010 Launch Exercise for topic 3 Exercise launched successfully 20 12 Apr 2010 Dragging each color into the respective jar. Each color dragged successfully 21 12 Apr 2010 Return to courseware interface from any point of the courseware Courseware interface appear successfully Other that that, Pn Khadijah says that , the teaching syllabus and method are different from the mainstream syllabus. They use preschool syllabus in their learning modules However, if they show good performance the teacher will prepare them to be in national examination like UPSR. More information about the interview will be explained in the next section below. Questionnaire In order to get in-depth details of requirements of the courseware to be developed, interviews and questionnaire is conducted with the respective teachers of the schools. This is important because not all required data can be acquired through the test scenario assessment. The teacher answering the questionnaire is Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf. She has years of experience in teaching slow learners especially in English subject. Pn Khadijah is given the overview of the current English courseware and then she is given the questionnaire. Below is the result of questionnaire answered by the teacher: Data Analysis From the interview and questionnaire conducted with students and teacher of Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf, there are several issue should be addressed about the current English courseware and also what can be improved for the courseware to be developed: Flow of audio and visual must be synchronized and not too fast because slow learners couldnt catch up if its too fast For unknown reason, exercise for Topic 1 that should cover about numbers is replaced with exercise from Topic 3 which is about colours results in having two exercises about colours and the absences of exercise about number. The instruction is different than what can be done in the learning module. For example the instruction of topic 2 says to click the image to hear the audio. But instead, the audio only appear when cursor is hovered on the image. Nothing happened when it is clicked. Input of the exercise should be the same as what it appears in the learning modules to avoid confusion for slow learners. For example, the input of the exercise for topic 2 includes the stomach part even though it is not taught in the learning modules. Input of learning modules shouldnt be more than 5 in a topic because slow learners could easily forget what they learn if theres too many input. Slow learners in Malaysia are familiar with the Malaysia English. Using U.S English or Britain English in the courseware would confuse them. Students especially kids like learning using computer. Slow learners are not excluded. So the courseware to be developed must be visually attractive. Proposed System Architecture Figure 2: Proposed System Architecture The courseware will integrate use suitable multimedia elements that will support interactive learning environment either for the use at school or at home. This will make the learning process will be more engaging and entertaining. The courseware will consist of 3 modules primarily developed for students of Standard 4 to Standard 6. All this modules will be developed based on learning syllabus for slow learners from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf. After the application is launched, students will be accessing the courseware interface. To ensure the flexibility of the learning process, students will be given freedom to choose which module they want to use. After each module there will be exercise that will test the students understand of the current topic. However, students are free to choose whether they want to do the exercise or not. If they dont want to do the exercise, they can proceed to next module or return to the courseware interface to choose other modules. In addressing that slow learners cannot cope with too much input at a time, each module will consist of two parts. This will enable the students to enrich their learning without taking too much input at a time. They have the freedom to choose which part they want to use in a module. The three modules are: Numbers, Reading Skills, Body Parts. Module 1:Numbers The first module will teach the students the foundation of recognizing numbers. The first part will teach about how to identify ordinal and cardinal numbers and whats the difference about them. The second part will teach the student how to differentiate between odd numbers and even numbers using the same modules in current English courseware with enhancement made on it. Module 2:Reading Skills This module is intended to enhance the reading skills of the students.. The activity in the first part will be focus on matching picture. Each time a picture from two sets of pictures will be shown to the student and from there the students will be asked to match the picture with the picture from the set which is not shown. The second part will focus on matching letter and words. The concept will be the same like in the first part. Module 3:Body Parts This module will teach the student the foundation of identifying body parts. The first part will teach the student about main body parts in general. The second part will teach the student specifically about parts on head The tools chosen for the development of the project will be Gamemaker 8. The reason to use this tool is because it is easy to be used compared to most of other tools. It allow the user to use collection of freeware images and audio for starters like the author to make a game looking courseware which will encompass on drag-and-drop action using the mouse. This tool will be used along with other tools like Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Macromedia Flash where necessary to make the courseware more interactive and rich. Conclusion Current English courseware is using basic concept of combining audio with visual in the teaching. Even though, it is still not perfect. There is lots of area for improvement can be made for the courseware. The authors project will take the opportunity to make enhancement on the courseware to maximize its potential. The new courseware to be developed will be more interactive and rich while in the same time addressing the issue of current courseware. With assistance from various parties such as the authors supervisor, Miss Elaine, teachers of Sekolah Kebangsan Sultan Yusuf as well as other people, this project will succeed. Acknowledgement The current courseware mentioned in this paper is developed by Mohd Izzat helmi B Yahya where his work had been base for the authors English courseware developed for slow learners. Here the author also would like to thank Ms. Elaine Chen Yoke Yie as the supervisor for the project, Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf, and all other parties who had contribute to the project whether directly or indirectly.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Dutch Republic Essay -- History, European Trade
The Dutch Republic was very successful economically and militarily around the 1650s. The Dutch were a well-respected nation in Europe due to the power they held over trade routes during the middle of the 17th century. Later, the Dutch Republic began to decline because of wars initiated by power-hungry competitor nations, mounting internal issues, and deteriorating trade in the later part of the 17th century. After witnessing the Dutch Republic’s rise in becoming a dominating controller of European trade, other countries in the area were eager to be a part of the success – even if that meant using force. England attacked the Dutch in three Anglo-Dutch Wars between 1652 and 1674, according to Document 3. Compared to the five hundred English ships that the Dutch seized, the English took approximately two thousand Dutch ships. This loss to Dutch merchant shipping would not be easily recovered. It is clear by the battle markers shown in Document 1 that many English Battles for economic influence occurred near trade routes. Everyone was desperate for a chance to get in on the profitable trade. France even allied with England in the Treaty of Dover (Document 6) so that the â€Å"allied sovereigns [could] then jointly declare war on the Dutch Republic†¦Ã¢â‚¬ As an official treaty, Document 6 is a clear insight into the true and blatant violent intentions of the other natio ns to take out the Dutch Republic’s power in order to increase their own. It was strategic partner to take out the Dutch before they absorbed all the trade power – a win-win for the England and France. At the Amsterdam City Council, people were obviously biased toward the Dutch side of the war. However, their opinion that â€Å"other kings seem more and more to scheme how to ruin wh... ...from one end by declining trade due to war and from the other by citizens, angry that their taxes had to fight the wars. The economic problems made finding war funding hopeless while the internal conflicts constantly pushed the fragile central government. The Dutch Republic made a steady decline following the 1650s. Though their budding commercial power in Amsterdam was great for both them and Europe, other countries saw that power as a potential threat. Seeking to take some of that commerce for their own use, nations like England and France allied to wage devastating war on the Dutch Republic. They damaged their morale and their wallets. Trade declined as the battles wore out the Dutch merchant ships and ravaged trade roots. With repeated military defeats, trade economy with damaged roots and piling debt, it was impossible for the Dutch to remain successful.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Contrasts between Hayden and Stevens Essay -- Poetry Analysis
Both Robert Hayden’s poem â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†and Wallace Stevens’ poem â€Å"The Plain Sense of Things†describe different aspects of what defines house and home. Although a home can be a house, a house does not always mean a home. This difference, among other factors, correlates with how both poets play on the emotional undertones between a house full of people and a lone house in the woods. While Hayden seeks to describe how one’s house is a home because of a father’s love-filled action, Stevens delineates a house’s transformation from a home for people to a home for the natural world. Although the poets use two different tones for their respective poems, both define what a home could stand for. â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†depicts the speaker’s childhood memory of Sunday church mornings. The speaker explains that his father, despite having to work outside the rest of the week to provide for his family, would go outside early mornings to retrieve firewood to heat the home. Only when the heat from the fire would warm the whole house and he polished his son’s church shoes, would the speaker’s father wake the family from their slumber. No one showed their appreciation for this action that displayed the father’s love for his family. The speaker shows deep self-reproach from his indifference toward his father, which he concludes was from being young and naà ¯ve. In line 5 (â€Å"No one ever thanked him†) and in line 10 (â€Å"Speaking indifferently to him†) the speaker explicitly states that during those times he did not particularly care whether or not his father took the time to warm the house, polish his good shoes and then wake him up for church. At the time the speaker may have been fearful of his parents fighting, confrontation or yelling tha... ...s and downs. Both â€Å"These Winter Sundays†and â€Å"The Plain Sense of Things†set out to describe what the speaker feels a home is, whether it’s where one’s family is or where life resides in. Either poem takes intricate detail using the seasons to help reflect the underlying emotions of the poem’s voice along with standout lines that help the reader know what the speaker aims to say, why they say it and how they choose to say it. Hayden and Stevens do a nice job of conveying a certain sense without having to be boldly explicit. Works Cited Hayden, Robert. â€Å"These Winter Sundays†. Poems, Poets, Poetry: An Introduction and Anthology. Ed. Karen S. Henry. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. 6. Print. Stevens, Wallace. â€Å"The Plain Sense of Things†. Poems, Poets, Poetry: An Introduction and Anthology. Ed. Karen S. Henry. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. 8. Print.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Rule of Foss V/S Harbottle
THE RULE OF FOSS V/S HARBOTTLE There are 2 elements present for this rule to happen. They are found in the case of Edwards v/s Halliwell. †¢It is the proper plaintiff in an action in respect of a wrong done to a company is prima facia the company itself. †¢Where the alleged wrong is a transaction which might be made binding on a company and all its members. No individual member is allowed to maintain an action in respect of that matter. This means that whenever there is a transaction within the company and there has been a decision by the board (I. e. he majority), any individual member alone will not be able to go to court. In the case of Foss v/s Harbottle: ?There were 2 members (shareholders) of the Victoria Park Company who brought an action against the company’s 5 directors and promoters alleging that they had misapplied the company’s assets and had improperly mortgaged its properties. ?The shareholders wanted the directors to make good the losses sustain ed by the company. The court stated that: The injury was against the whole company and the company was the proper person to sue and not the individual members.The second proposition came from this case called the majority rule: Mozley v/s Alston ? 2 shareholders tried unsuccessfully to restrain 4 directors of the company from acting as such when they should have retired under the articles. The court refused to permit the shareholder to bring their action. The court had in mind that if the thing that one is complaining about is the thing in a company that a majority is entitled to do, then there is no need for litigation. Advantages to this rule: 1. It is more convenient that a company should sue in respect of a wrong done. 2.It eliminates wasteful litigation because there is a process of passing resolution in a company. If there is a problem that can be resolved by majority, there is no need to go to the court. 3. It prevents vexatious actions started by troublesome minority trying to harass the company. Disadvantage to this rule: 1. The company is the proper person to sue but the company can only act through its human agents (I. e. the board, shareholders). Usually, the board may well be the people committing a wrong. There are 4 exceptions to this rule: 1. Where the act complaint of is illegal or is ultra vares.In the case of Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd v/s Newman Industries (No. 2) ? The court of appeal explains that where the wrongful act in issue is ultra vares, the rule does not operate because the majority of members can’t confirm the transactions. If any decision that was taken was taken outside the powers that the majority has, then the minority can bring an action as opposed to the rule. ?It has been seen that an action by a shareholder to recover money or on behalf of the company in respect of an ultra vares or an illegal transaction could be undertaken by personal actions. In the case of Smith v/s Croft (No. ) In this case, it has been deci ded that where what is sought is compensation for the company for the loss caused by the transaction. The wrong is done to the company, so the company is the proper plaintiff. The result out of the transaction caused a loss towards the company. ?Even though it was an illegal transaction, the loss was caused to the company. The shareholders can bring an action but an action called the derivative action (done on behalf of the company). 2. Where the matter in issue requires the sanction of the special majority or there has been non-compliance with the special procedure. An individual shareholder will have locus standi to sue where the act complains of is one which requires the approval of the special majority of members and such resolution has not been obtained. This covers a situation where the article of association has specified a particular procedure that must be followed in respect of a particular transaction. In the case of Edwards v/s Halliwell, ?2 members successfully restraint and attempt by the delegate meeting to increase the member’s contribution without obtaining the 2/3 majority. In this case, regardless that the 2 remaining members could bring that action and eventually won on that action. In the case of Quin & Axtens Ltd v/s Salomon ?In this case, the Article of Association stated that certain transactions could not be entered without the consent of both managing director. One of the directors did not accept for a transaction but the company in a general meeting authorized the transaction without the director’s consent. ?In this case, the court allowed the individual member to enter an action and granted an injunction to the individual member prohibiting the majority from acting in breach of the article.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Microfinance for Poverty Reduction Essay
INTRODUCTION Microfinance is not something new in Malaysia. It has been operated by credit unions, co-operative banks and specialised credit windows of banks. Microfinance services of financial credit range for about RM10,000 (USD2,631) and mostly to finance small businesses, agricultural loans and loans for poverty reduction. Microfinance program in Malaysia has been implemented since 1987 as one of the poverty eradication strategies in the country. There are three large microfinance institutions in Malaysia namely AIM, YUM and TEKUN that targeted to different groups of people. Each of the microfinance institution has its own lending systems and has been subsidized by the government since their existence. Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), council of trust to the Bumiputera and Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC) are some of the pioneers to introduce microfinance loans to its borrowers. The rural credit institutions comprising of Agriculture Bank of Malaysia (BPM), Farmers Organisation Authority (LPP), Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), and agro-based Co-operative Societies provide micro credit for the agriculture sectors. There are a number of non-government organisations (NGOs) that engaged in microfinance. These include Yayasan Usaha Maju operating in Sabah, Koperasi Kredit Rakyat in Selangor and the best and significantly known microfinance institution (MFI) is Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM). Background of the study This study research about microfinance and its strategy to reduce the poverty among Malaysia’s citizen. Microfinance was introduced in Malaysia during the last three decades. Two types of institutions namely banking institutions and non-bank institutions offer microfinance programs. Banking institutions that offer microfinance products are Public Bank, AM Bank, EONCAP Islamic Bank, CIMB Bank, Alliance Bank, United Overseas Bank, Bank Simpanan Nasional, Agro Bank and Bank Rakyat. The issue of poverty has been a major concern to many nations, particularly the developing countries. Poverty has been defined as a situation where a population or a section of the population is able to meet only its bare subsistence, the essentials of food, clothing and shelter, in order to maintain a minimum standard of living (Balogun, 1999). Low productivity and poorly functioning markets for agricultural outputs are among the causes of poverty as indicated in the government’s poverty reduction strategy paper. Small scale farmers rely on rudimentary methods and technology and they have limited skills and inputs such as improved seeds that would increase yields. Rural poverty in Malaysia Remarkable progress has been achieved in poverty eradication in Malaysia. In the early 1970’s almost half of households were classified as poor while in 1997 the incidence of poverty had significantly declined to 6.1% However, the crisis brought a slight upward swing at 8.1% in 1998. Efforts by the Malaysian government to counter the effects of the crisis bore positive results when the incidence of poverty was reduced to 7.5% in 1999. By 2005, the incidence of poverty was targeted to reduce further to 0.5% (Abdul Rahman Hasan and Sa’idah Hashim, 2001). Poverty is both a social and an economic problem. Eradicating poverty from society is everyone’s dream but in reality it is still around even in economically developed countries. Governments have responsibilities to eradicate the poverty or, at least reduce poverty rates. In fact, poverty reduction is everyone’s social responsibility. This is significant because Malaysia is shifting towards an industrialized economy and starting to enjoy economic growth but there are still so many people who are under the poverty line. Definition of terms 1. Microfinance Microfinance is a provision of a broad range of financial services such as savings, credit, insurance and payment services to the poor or low-income group who are excluded from the normal banking sectors (Ledgerwood, 1999). While, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) defined microfinance as the provision of small loans/financing ranging from RM1,000 up to RM50,000 (USD16,129) to microenterprises or self-employed individuals, for their business activities. Microfinancing is meant for business financing only, such as for working capital and for capital expenditure. It is not a personal loan. Microfinance is defined as the provision of financial services to low-income clients, including consumers and the self- employed, who traditionally lack access to banking and related services (Gonzalez-Vega, 2008). Microfinance is a place for the poor and near poor clients to get access to a high quality financial service, which include not just credit but also savings, insurance and fund transfer. However, Conroy (2002) stated that microfinance is the provision of a broad range of financial services such as deposits, loans, payment services, money transfers, and insurance to poor and low-income households and their micro-enterprises. The term evolved from the concepts of â€Å"microcredit†and â€Å"microenterprise†financing, to include the importance of savings as well as borrowing. Although the terms are used interchangeably, microfinance represents the field as a whole, while the other two terms are more technical and refer only to credit provision (Maria, 2004). The World Bank defines microfinance as â€Å"†¦. Small-scale financial services – primarily credit and savings – provided to people who farm or fish and who operate small enterprises or microenterprises where goods are produced, recycled, repaired, or sold; who provide services; who work for wages or commissions; who gain income from renting out small amounts of land, vehicles, draft animals, or machinery and tools; and to other individuals and groups at the local levels of developing countries, both rural and urban†(Robinson, 2001). Microfinance activities usually involve giving small loans to customers for working capital, group guarantees, compulsory savings, insurance and access to repeat loans for a larger amount based on repayment performance. 2. Poverty A state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials to enjoy a minimum standard of life and well-being that’s considered acceptable in society. According to Carlton G. Davis (1977), â€Å"the word poverty has assumed a multiplicity of meanings at different times and places. Moreover, the term now has different meanings for different persons even within the same academic discipline.†For Marshall (1998), poverty is â€Å"a state in which resources, usually materials but sometimes cultural, are lacking. It is common to distinguish between absolute and relative definitions of poverty. Poverty defined in absolute terms refers to a state in which the individual lacks the resources necessary for subsistence. Relative definitions, frequently favored by sociologists, refer to the individual’s or group’s lack of resources when compared with that of other members of the society†¦in other words their relative standar d of living.†The causes of poverty are sometimes pointed to areas where business establishments are not successful and the poor depend on assistance from government and agencies. PROBLEM STATEMENT Poverty is a harsh and undesired phenomenon in mankind. Reducing, if possible eradicating poverty is unquestionable. Thus, microfinance programs have been considered as one of the main instruments in poverty reduction in recent development agenda. It has been observed that microfinance play a major role to the socio-economic development and alleviating poverty. Rural banks and micro finance institutions were established in response to the need and the demand to make institutional credit and banking services available to small-scale farmers and rural entrepreneurs. Microfinance institutions were created to operate using local initiatives and local commitment to mobilize resources locally and to lend them to deserving customers using simplified procedures and eligibility criteria. However, microfinance institutions are faced with lots of problems of saving mobilization, and utilization of funds. For instance there is lack of knowledge in risk management, long procedures accessing funds and others. According to David Hulme, microfinance has become an increasingly important component of strategies to reduce poverty. However, knowledge about the achievements of such initiatives remains contested. While some researchers argued that microfinance has positive economic and social impact on the poor, others warn of its negative impacts on the poor. Still others in the middle contend that microfinance indeed has a positive impact, but not on the poorest, as is so often claimed. Therefore, this research, is to analysis and see how microfinance is used as an effective poverty reduction strategy in Malaysia. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of microfinance in poverty reduction in Malaysia. The specific objectives are to: 1. Find out the role of microfinance in poverty alleviation or reduction. 2. To show how microfinance works, by using group lending methodology for reducing poverty 3. To find out the impact of microfinance on poverty reduction 4. To examine the challenges or barriers to credit delivery by microfinance institutions. 5. To use the services/products of microfinance with good. Research questions The guiding research question is ‘to what extent and in which way microfinance services of the two cases can lead to poverty reduction in Malaysia?’ Based on this guiding question, it is hoped that the study will answer the following specific questions: 1. What are the role(s) of microfinance in poverty alleviation or reduction in the country? 2. What is the effectiveness of microfinance institutions in the country? 3. What are the impacts of microfinance on poverty reduction? 4. What are the challenges faced by microfinance institutions in the country? Limitations While interviewing the people, we have faced problems in explaining the questions as most of the people, who are involved in microfinance program, are illiterate and living in villages. Therefore, it was too difficult to make them understand some of the technical terms: like capital, income etc. Due to the non-co-operative attitude of some of the respondents, the number of people given questionnaire was smaller than the researcher had originally intended. Financial constrain also affected the effort of the researcher thereby, making it difficult for the researcher to gather the necessary data. Time constraint was also limiting factor for the researcher. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY A study of this nature would make a significant contribution by assisting government and other stakeholders to find lasting solutions to problems facing micro financing in the country. The study is very significant because it will add to the existing literature or the research has added to the stock of books and works already written on microfinance in Malaysia. The study will help Micro Finance Institutions to put in place flexible policies and programs that will help SMEs to access their facilities to ensure its development and expansion. ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT PAPER The study consists of three chapters. The first chapter consists of the background to the study, significance of the study, definition of terms, statement of the problem, Objective of the study, research questions, and limitations of study and lastly the organization of the study. Chapter two deals with literature review of concept relevant to the study. While in chapter three, deals with the methodology adopted to conduct he research. This chapter deals with issues such as the research design, population and sample size, instrument, procedures, proposed data analysis and summary.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Psychopathology Paper Essay
 Over the years, scientists and mental health professionals have made great strides in the treatment of psychological disorders. For example, advances in psychopharmacology have led to the development of drugs that relieve severe symptoms of mental illness. Clinical psychology is dedicated to the study, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses and other emotional or behavioral disorders. More psychologists work in this field than in any other branch of psychology. In hospitals, community clinics, schools, and in private practice, they use interviews and tests to diagnose depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses. People with these psychological disorders often suffer terribly. They experience disturbing symptoms that make it difficult for them to work, relate to others, and cope with the demands of everyday life.  Clinical psychologists usually cannot prescribe drugs, but they often work in collaboration with a patient’s physician. Drug treatment is often combined with psychotherapy, a form of intervention that relies primarily on verbal communication to treat emotional or behavioral problems. Over the years, psychologists have developed many different forms of psychotherapy. Some forms, such as psychoanalysis, focus on resolving internal, unconscious conflicts stemming from childhood and past experiences. Other forms, such as cognitive and behavioral therapies, focus more on the person’s current level of functioning and try to help the individual change distressing thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.  The field of counseling psychology is closely related to clinical psychology. Counseling psychologists may treat mental disorders, but they more commonly treat people with less-severe adjustment problems related to marriage, family, school, or career. Many other types of professionals care for and treat people with psychological disorders, including psychiatrists, psychiatric social workers, and psychiatric nurses.            As a psychiatric health nurse we works closely with other disciplines to arrive at the most appropriate plan of care for the client and the family. The physician’s responsibility is to make a medical diagnosis when there is sufficient support to determine that a psychiatric problem is present. The taxonomy used to make the medical diagnosis is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, commonly called the DSM-III-R of the American Psychiatric Association. The DSM-III-R uses a biopsychosocial perspective but is considered atheoretical, so that it can be readily accepted and used by all who diagnose the psychiatric client. The nurse assists the process by sharing important information about the client from the nursing history, mental status assessment, and daily observations. A working knowledge of the DSM-III-R is important in maximizing the team effort to help the client. Knowledge of the criteria will help the nurse for deciding on a particular medical diagnosis found in the DSM III-R may help the nurse in making a clinical condition about a nursing diagnosis.            The DSM-III-R is a multiaxial system. The diagnostic criteria are inclusive for each diagnosis and allow room for individual differences within a pattern of behavior by including phrases such as â€Å"at least one of the following†or ‘for at least 6 months†. Five axes constitute the format for a complete psychiatric diagnosis. A five digit coding system is used for the first three axes. Axis I comprises the major mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar illness, and substance abuse disorders. A disorder of this nature is usually the main reason the client is seeking help. On the other hand, Axis II comprises the personality disorders and developmental disorders such as paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. This axis separates the patterns of lifestyle and coping that have developed from childhood from the more acute manifestation of behavior in the major mental disorders. Axis III indicates the related physical disorders and conditions that may be influencing the client’s response to the psychiatric problems such fro example, asthma, gastric ulcer, or diabetes. Axis IV indicates the severity of the psychosocial stressors over the past year such as anticipated retirement, natural disaster and change in residence with loss of contact with friends. The Axis V represents the global assessment functioning (GAF) both currently and over the preceding year.            So how does Axis I differ from Axis II? Now let’s try to compare and contrast their similarities as well as their differences. Under Class A Axis II are the personality disorders; paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder. Personality is vital to defining who we are as individuals. It involves a unique blend of traitsâ€â€including attitudes, thoughts, behaviors, and moodsâ€â€as well as how we express these traits in our contacts with other people and the world around us. Some characteristics of an individual’s personality are inherited, and some are shaped by life events and experiences. A personality disorder can develop if certain personality traits become too rigid and inflexible. People with personality disorders have long-standing patterns of thinking and acting that differ from what society considers usual or normal. The inflexibility of their personality can cause great distress, and can interfere with many areas of life, including social and work functioning. People with personality disorders generally also have poor coping skills and difficulty forming healthy relationships. Unlike people with anxiety disorders, who know they have a problem but are unable to control it, people with personality disorders generally are not aware that they have a problem and do not believe they have anything to control. Because they do not believe they have a disorder, people with personality disorders often do not seek treatment.            A paranoid personality disorder applies to a person who displays pervasive and long-standing suspiciousness. This suspicious pattern affects perceptual, cognitive, affective and behavioral functions in specific ways. In person’s with paranoid personalities, perception is extremely acute, intense and narrowly focused in search of clues or the real meaning behind other’s behavior or life events in general. In a cognitive side, the great perceptual distortion is present in paranoid personality. Cognitive disturbances may range from transient ideas of reference, in which a person believe others are giving them special attention or gossiping about them unlike Manic disorder the client is easy going and friendly. The paranoid person’s affective domain reflects a lack of basic trust, extreme suspiciousness, vigilant mistrust, guardedness and hostility. Typically, paranoid person assume a callous, unsympathetic approach to others in an effort to purge themselves of any tendencies to experience humor or affectionate and tender feelings. For the most part, they remain coldly reserved and on the periphery of events, seldom mixing smoothly with people in social situation, remaining withdrawn, distant and secretive instead. Rarely do they seem relaxed and unguarded. Unlike with Axis I manic bipolar disorder, Manic clients are self-satisfied, confident and aggressive and feel on top of the world and in control of their destinies, paranoid patient are reserved type while manic is transparent, the manic clients remarks are very similar to free associations, disorganized and incoherent. Manic client is full of ambitious schemes and exaggerations while a paranoid person often engages in verbal interchanges designed to test others honesty. The content of their verbalization usually reflects themes of blame, deceit, control, persecution and self-aggrandizement. Similarities of manic and paranoid personality disorder are that they appear hypervigilant, mobilized and prepared for attack.            Socially detached, shy and introverted persons may be described as having schizoid personality disorder while Schizophrenia is psychotic disorder characterized by disturbances in thought, perception, affect, behavior and communication lasting longer than 6 months. Schizoid refers to persons exhibiting perceptual, cognitive, affective and behavioral patterns that fall within the healthier end of the schizophrenic spectrum. This personality disorder differs from schizotypal personality disorder in that the latter’s symptomatology more closely resembles schizophrenia. In contrast to both schizotypals and schizophrenics, schizoid personalities do not demonstrate odd or eccentric perceptual, cognitive and behavioral patterns.  Persons with schizoid personalities exhibit a distorted pattern of perception, characterized by a reduced ability to attend, select, differentiate and discriminate adequately between and among interpersonal and social sensory inputs while the perception of Depressive disorder clients may be distorted too because of their intense affective states. They perceive the world as strange and unnatural. For instance, a client with deep guilt feelings may interpret the sound of wind in the trees as reproaching voices (illusion) the severely depressed client may less frequently experience hallucinations. Auditory hallucination may be present such as a client may hear voices blaming her or telling her that she is worthless. Illusion and hallucination do not occur in Schizoid personality disorder. They are able to recognize reality despite their faulty interpersonal or social perception. Schizotypal personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called eccentric personality disorders. People with these disorders often appear odd or peculiar. They might display unusual thinking patterns, behaviors, or appearances. People with schizotypal personality disorder might have odd beliefs or superstitions. These individuals are unable to form close relationships and tend to distort reality. In this respect, schizotypal personality disorder can seem like a mild form of schizophreniaâ€â€a serious brain disorder that distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotions, perceives reality, and relates to others. In rare cases, people with schizotypal personality disorder can eventually develop schizophrenia. Additional traits of people with this disorder include the following; dressing, speaking, or acting in an odd or peculiar way, being suspicious and paranoid, being uncomfortable or anxious in social situations because of their distrust of others, having few friends and being extremely uncomfortable with intimacy, tending to misinterpret reality or to have distorted perceptions (for example, mistaking noises for voices), having odd beliefs or magical thinking (for example, being overly superstitious or thinking of themselves as psychic), Being preoccupied with fantasy and daydreaming, tending to be stiff and awkward when relating to others, coming across as emotionally distant, aloof, or cold. Hallucination, and illusion may not be present in schizotypal personality disorder but it is always present in Schizophrenia. There is lack deterioration of functioning in schizopherenia while their no huge deterioration is schizotypal personality, they are also in touch with reality and they are aware of their eccentricities and their deterioration is occurring within a time frame while Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed in people aged 17-35 years, delusions, false personal beliefs held with conviction in spite of reason or evidence to the contrary, not explained by that person’s cultural context is present. Their is hallucinations, perceptions (can be sound, sight, touch, smell, or taste) that occur in the absence of an actual external stimulus (Auditory hallucinations, those of voice or other sounds, are the most common type of hallucinations in schizophrenia, disorganized, thoughts and behaviors, disorganized speech, catatonic behavior are also manifested. Literature Cited: Million, Theodore & Davis Roger. (1996). Disorders of Personality: DSM IV and Beyond. Published by Wiley. Kaplan, Harold, M.D & Saddock, Benjamin, M.D. (1990). Modern Synopsis of Psychiatry. Maryland USA. The Williams and Wilkins Company Introduction to Personality Disorder. Capella University. Retrieved March 11, 2008 from Personality Disorder. Retrieved March 11, 2008 from Schizophrenia. PSY web. Retrieved March 11, 2008 from About Clinical Psychology. American Psychological Association. Retrieved March 13,2008 from Â
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