Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Perceptions Of Tourism As A Career Tourism Essays
Perceptions Of Tourism As A Career Tourism Essays Perceptions Of Tourism As A Career Tourism Essay Perceptions Of Tourism As A Career Tourism Essay Percepts of touristry as a calling can be viewed from the sets of relationships that play a function in advancing touristry as a calling in Curacao. In this chapter the focal point will be on the questionnaire that will supply the reply to the research inquiry: How make the authorities policy, the industry policy and the pedagogues policy promote and perceive touristry as a calling in the turning touristry sector of Curacao in 2012? Harmonizing to Minichiello, Aroni, Timewell and Alexander ( 1990 ) one manner to analyze qualitative informations is through the subject cryptography system by constellating the information into the subjects related to the survey. The cryptography is done by interrupting down the interview transcripts into classs followed by delegating labels or subjects to the responses that are important to the issue being studied ( Bryman A ; Bell, 2003 ; Strauss A ; Corbin, 1990 ) . A sum of eight participants was interviewed of whom thr ee authorities functionaries, two representatives of the industry and three plan directors of touristry instruction. Interviews were conducted with cardinal participants from these organisations to understand their attempts in advancing touristry as a calling. The parametric quantities that were considered in the choice procedure implied that participants must be cardinal participants, based on the degree of their cognition on the cardinal involvement of this survey. The informations aggregation for the interviews was developed to capture the perceptual experiences of the functionaries from assorted organisations on the same issue, and their perceptual experiences on the extent to which they have been advancing touristry as a alumnus calling. Therefore, comparable inquiries were asked to all stakeholders in order to analyze and contrast their reaction on how the issue is viewed from different positions, and they were divided into different subdivisions sing, instruction policy, auth orities policy, industry policy and pupil perceptual experiences. The informations aggregation for the in-depth and semi-structured interviews was arranged in three stairss, as follows: The interview transcripts were categorized into several subjects utilizing Microsoft Excel to fix an interview drumhead sheet. This drumhead sheet simplified the transcripts into matrix signifier, from which the emerging subjects were identified. With respect to the survey topic a petition for blessing was sent to the research commission of ICUC. Meetings were held with the instructor that guided the research worker throughout the research. The inquiry construction for this survey it is best described as the unfastened inquiry construction. To steer the research worker through the procedure of informations aggregation a standard set of inquiries was used. Besides inquiries that came up were asked on the subject when this was necessary as the interview progressed. Profile of the Participants The information aggregation was performed in different ways. The questionnaire, transcripts of interviews with participants, the notes taken on observations by the research worker and information analysis served as the beginnings of informations aggregation. The mean clip of the interviews was 30 proceedingss and all the interviews were conducted at the work topographic point of the participants. Standards were identified in choosing grownup scholars for this survey. The standards used to screen participants are outlined in Table 4. The interviews were conducted in English and when necessary translated into Papiamentu ( the native linguistic communication of the participants ) . The participants expressed themselves in English and where non able to react in English because of the words they did non cognize they complemented in Papiamentu. The transcripts of the interviews were sent to the participants for their reappraisal and blessing. Table: Choice Criteria Participants Standards Parameter Description Cognition Tourism development Officials within this scope are the cardinal participants based on the degree of their cognition on the cardinal involvement of this survey. Gender Male and Female Males and females were interviewed in this survey. Participants Eight participants In-depth interviews were conducted with eight functionaries, two representatives of the industry, three representatives of touristry instruction and three authorities functionaries. The profile of all the participants in the in-depth interviews is available in the undermentioned tabular array that consists of three parts. In this table information about the participant is available, such as business, education/degree and gender. The eight participants were divided into three groups. The first group is the group of participants stand foring the authorities bureaus. The 2nd group is the group of participants stand foring the industry. The 3rd group is the group of participants stand foring touristry instruction. Table: Participants Interviewed Group 1 Representatives of the Government bureaus Participant No. Occupation Participant Organization Part. 1 Advisor/Consultant/Coordinator Government Labor personal businesss Part. 2 Coordinator policy preparation and development Government Tourism personal businesss Part. 3 Advisor/Coordinator course of study development Government Education personal businesss Group 2 Representatives of the Industry Participant No. Occupation Participant Organization Part. 4 Selling and Product Developer CHATA Part. 5 Undertaking Development Coordinator CTB Group 3 Representatives of touristry instruction Participant No. Occupation Participant Organization Part. 6 Teacher/Coordinator Tourism plans Maris Stella SBO Part. 7 Teacher/Coordinator Restaurant/Bar Tourism plans Marnix Hospitality VSBO Part. 8 Trainer of the unmarried man touristry and cordial reception plan Intercontinental University of the Caribbean ( ICUC ) Consequences of the interviews In this paragraph the consequences or the interviews conducted with the three key stakeholders mentioned above are presented. First it will analyze the chief human resource issues faced in Curacao s touristry industry. Then the probe among the relationship among interest holders in advancing touristry as a calling is presented. It will go on looking at the activities or steps that these stakeholders have been set abouting in advancing touristry as a calling to pupils, every bit good as to which widen the stakeholders perceive these steps as adequate to increase pupil engagement in the industry. Main human resource issues faced: the stakeholders were asked about the chief human resource issues faced by the touristry industry or their ain organisations and the factors underlying those issues. The cardinal issue that emerged from this inquiry was the deficit of skilled labour or specifically, trouble in pulling alumnuss to work in touristry. Further scrutiny found factors that resulted in the deficiency of attraction in what the industry offers to alumnuss. The chief touristry human resource issues are the deficiency of preparation in the touristry human resources and the societal jobs the human resources have and are non easy to work out because of deficiency of budget. ( Ministry of Tourism ) The deficiency of trained work force for the touristry industry for the coming old ages, informations about vacancies in the touristry sector. ( CTB ) The chief issue at the minute is the work attitude, non service-minded work force and the measure of trained human resources. ( CHATA ) Deficits of skilled labour in the touristry environment are perceived as one of the cardinal human resource issues in touristry by the stakeholders: The issue is general credence by pupils of callings in touristry. They are non taking it whole-heartedly. ( Ministry of Tourism ) There is deficiency of work force. The involvement of the locals to work in the hotel sector is non at that place. ( CTB ) We have difficulty pulling new people to the industry, jobs pulling those who have studied touristry. ( CHATA ) The stakeholders agreed that the issue is non merely in pulling motivated workers to take callings in touristry, but to pull choice people with the necessary cognition and makings to lend to the industry. This echoes the determination from the Strategic Tourism Master Plan for the island of Curacao ( 2010 ) by supplying grounds that the challenges in pulling alumnuss to work in touristry in Curacao are still unresolved. Coded replies Main HR issue Deficit skilled labour force CHATA Lack quality trained work force ( Ltwf ) No general credence ( Nga ) CTB Lack of trained work force ( Ltwf ) No involvement ; Lack of local adult male power ( Ni ; Llmp ) Ministry of Tourism Lack of trained work force ( Ltwf ) Trouble pulling qualified work force ( Daqwf ) Cardinal factors for the deficiency of involvement in touristry as a calling: The stakeholders explained that the cardinal factor that contributes to the deficiency of involvement among alumnuss to work in touristry is the unattractiveness of what the industry offers, peculiarly by offering low wages which is closely linked to holding to get down from low places. Two pedagogues emphasize that wage in the touristry industry should reflect pupils makings: In footings of wage, it should be harmonizing to makings. ( ICUC ) In footings of wage, employers should pay the alumnuss harmonizing to their making. They should besides offer more inducements to increase public involvement to take callings in touristry. ( Maris Stella SBO ) This factor, harmonizing to authorities functionaries and pedagogues, makes the pupils feel that their making is undervalued which consequences in negative images of touristry as an employer: The obvious factor is the low wage. In hotels, it does nt count if you have a grade in touristry direction, you will still travel with the rank and file occupations or entry-level occupations. So that makes it unattractive. ( Ministry of Tourism ) Employers take advantage by offering low wage to the pupils to either take it or go forth it. Some pupils are all right with this but there are besides those who are frustrated for being asked to make occupations that are non compatible with their accomplishments and making. ( Ministry of Labor Affairs ) The industry organic structures admitted that low wages and holding to get down from low places do occur in touristry, because most touristry concerns in Curacao are non doing big net incomes or merely that some employers were being unjust towards the alumnuss. However, they besides argued that alumnuss should non anticipate to be paid for their makings entirely. They noted that working in touristry can be honoring every bit long as alumnuss can show their capableness and productiveness in the workplace. Productivity is an interesting subject which emerged from the interviews with industry organic structures. It was noted by industry organic structures as an of import standard to find salary to be offered to alumnuss. Future surveies hence could look into ways to step and better alumnuss productiveness in the industry. The bulk of those who work in travel and circuit companies are non good paid merely because these concerns are barely profitable. If every individual thinks about wage, this is non the country to look at. If they want to acquire higher wage, they have to stand out in their occupation. They can non anticipate to be paid for their grade. The sector is happy to pay them if they can bring forth. ( CTB ) The hotels are non that playing just neither, by non paying them harmonizing to their makings. It is all right if you want them to get down from a lower rank but in footings of wage, you need to take into consideration their makings. However, pupils besides need to understand that this is one industry where if you want to be successful, makings are non that of import. If you have a making it enhances you, but it is non that indispensable in this industry. ( CHATA ) Coded replies Cardinal factors deficiency of involvement ICUC No wage harmonizing makings ( Npaq ) Maris Stella SBO No wage harmonizing makings ( Npaq ) ; Incentives ( Inc ) Ministry of Tourism No wage harmonizing makings ( Npaq ) Ministry of Labor Affairs No wage harmonizing makings ( Npaq ) CTB No wage harmonizing makings ( Npaq ) ; Entry-Level occupations ( Elj ) CHATA No wage harmonizing makings ( Npaq ) ; Entry-Level occupations ( Elj The issues sing the deficiency of involvement in the touristry sector are confirmed by the industry bodies although the argued that high wage should be justified by the alumnuss productiveness in the workplace and non by makings entirely. Educators believe that in order to do touristry occupations more attractive, pupils should be paid harmonizing to their makings. Relevance touristry course of study to industry demands: The literature in chapter two suggests that another factor that may take to a skilled labour deficit in touristry is tourism instruction that is irrelevant to the demands of the industry ( Purcell A ; Quinn, 1996 ; Williams, 2005 ) . The deficiency of certainty amongst the industry towards the relevancy of touristry instruction may ensue in alumnuss fighting to be employed by the industry in nice occupations. To analyze this, the stakeholders were asked about the extent to which they perceive instruction in touristry direction in universities and touristry plans in secondary schools in Curacao as relevant to their demands. By and large, the touristry course of study at the university and secondary schools in Curacao is perceived by pedagogues as relevant to the stakeholders, justified by the industry s engagement in the development of the course of study: I think it is relevant to the industry s demands, in fact they were involved during the development stage of the course of study ( Maris Stella SBO ) During our meeting with the industry to reexamine the course of study, they did give some feedback. Based on that feedback we have revised our course of study. We hope that such duologue will guarantee the relevancy of the course of study to the industry s demands. ( Marnix Hospitality VSBO ) However, there are concerns among industry organic structures on the focal point of the course of study, and to what extent touristry course of study at public establishments are benchmarked with established course of study from international third establishments: The secondary schools make usage of the word tourism to sell their touristry plan but they do non sell any peculiar sector. As a consequence, pupils have so many things to cover so educators cover the topics superficially. ( CHATA ) I think the ICUC is keeping high criterions. The public university is what I am worrying about because, it does non hold any touristry plans. ( CTB ) There seems to be conflicting perceptual experiences between the industry and the pedagogues in footings of the relevancy of the touristry course of study to the industry s demands. This is surprising when the pedagogues declared that touristry course of study was developed and revised with input from industry. However, the industry organic structures raised concerns about touristry course of study in Curacao. They believe it is excessively wide. In drumhead, it is apparent that the cardinal human resource issue in touristry in Curacao is the deficit of skilled labour. The cardinal stakeholders believe that this is a consequence of two chief issues, low-pay and low-level places offered to alumnuss. In footings of the relevancy of touristry instruction in Curacao to the industry s demands, the industry bodies perceive that touristry instruction in Curacao is excessively general. As suggested by the authorities bureaus and the pedagogues, pupils involvement in working in touristry can be increased if the industry is willing to pay alumnuss harmonizing to their makings. Coded replies Relevance touristry course of study to industry demands Maris Stella SBO Curriculum is relevant ( Cir ) Marnix Hospitality VSBO Curriculum is relevant ( Cir ) CHATA Curriculum is wide ( Cib ) CTB Curriculum is relevant ( Cir ) All stakeholders were asked whether or non forums exist for them and other stakeholders to discourse pulling alumnuss to touristry. The stakeholders relationships investigated involve the authorities, industry and pedagogues. Discoursing the relationships amongst these three stakeholders enabled the research worker to estimate the extent to which these stakeholders co-ordinate their attempts and interact. This will be viewed get downing with government-industry relationships, followed by government-educator relationships and eventually, industry-educator relationships. As discussed, the relationships amongst the stakeholders occur in the touristry and instruction environments. In the touristry environment, the accent is on the preparation of policies in developing human resources in touristry and advancing touristry as a calling. In the instruction environment, the relationships involve the development of touristry instruction which besides leads to fixing pupils for occupations in touristry. Relationships between stakeholders may take topographic point in merely one environment, but in some instances across the two environments, either straight, or with a stakeholder moving as a go-between who provides the forum for the relationships to go on. The government-industry relationship: the authorities bureaus were asked about forums for them to run into the industry to discourse human resource issues in touristry. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor indicated that close relationships have been established with the industry, peculiarly on audiences about touristry instruction and preparation plans: The Ministry will plan an instruction plan harmonizing to input from the industry so that the plan will hold academic and economic value. Most of the plans involve the industry in their development and alteration phase. ( Maris Stella SBO ) In planing the course of study, we will confer with the industry to guarantee that the course of study suits their demands. So I can state that the course of study in secondary schools is compliant and industry-driven. ( Marnix Hospitality VSBO ) The highest forum sing preparation in respect to this Ministry is the Human Resource Board meeting at the CTB. The members of the board include representatives from the industry to discourse issues related to preparation in the industry. ( Ministry of Labor ) In the touristry environment, the Ministry of Tourism provides the industry with the chance to raise issues related to human resource direction in touristry, including pulling the alumnuss to work in touristry: We have what we call the Human Resource Board meeting. This is where the industry will come and lucubrate about what is needed by the industry. I think this is a good forum, because in smart partnerships its better to hear from the industry because they know what they want. The industry organic structures were asked similar inquiries, and besides agreed that they have close cooperation with the ministries responsible for human resource development in touristry. The cooperation is in activities advancing touristry as a calling ( with the Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Labor Affairs ) and course of study development ( with the Ministry of Education ) : We cooperate with the Ministry Education on course of study development and alteration. With the Ministry of Labor personal businesss we discuss a batch of industry jobs refering HR issues. The Ministry of Tourism is our anchor ministry and we work really closely sing issues about hotels including the human resources issues. ( CHATA ) Relationships exists. With the Ministry of Tourism, we discuss issues sing the preparation of touristry forces. With the Ministry of Education, we collaborate in the development of touristry related course of study. ( CTB ) The relationship between the authorities and the industry in discoursing human resource direction issues in touristry in Malaysia is ongoing. Both stakeholders agreed that they have been join forcesing and the cardinal issues of treatment include touristry human resource development and touristry instruction. Coded replies Relationship between authorities and industry by forums Maris Stella SBO Relationship exists ( Re ) Marnix Hospitality VSBO Relationship exists ( Re ) Ministry of Labor Affairs Forum exists ( Fe ) Ministry of Education Forum exists ( Fe ) CHATA Relationship exists ( Re ) CTB Relationship exists ( Re ) Government-Educator Relationships: mirroring the cooperation with the industry, the authorities representatives by and large agree that they have close relationships with the pedagogues. However, the grade of cooperation does vary. The Ministry of Education seem to hold stronger relationships with the pedagogues, chiefly in the development of touristry course of study. This possibly because the pedagogues and this Ministry belong to the educational environment. The Ministry of Education is the keeper of instruction. Therefore the pedagogues and the Ministry have truly a stopping point relationship as there are many forums for the Ministry to convey its policy to the schools. Schools are the implementers of the policy and so far we have no job with that. The pedagogues themselves are public retainers so they will make as directed by the authorities. ( Maris Stella SBO ) The instruction establishments will implement anything that comes from the Ministry. Even though it is out of their capableness, they will seek to do it operational the best manner that they can. ( Ministry of Education ) In the instance of the Ministry of Tourism, the Human Resource Board meeting reference mentioned earlier in the subdivision that addresses government-industry relationship earlier was besides described as a forum for the Ministry to run into the pedagogues, peculiarly on the issues of touristry instruction. However, the Ministry believes that touristry course of study are already in topographic point and indicated that the council is now giving more accent to pull offing human resources in touristry. The Ministry of Tourism is non involved with course of study development. This is noted by the pedagogues that relationships with the authorities ( in discoursing issues related to tourism instruction ) are by and large stronger with the Ministry of Education than with the Ministry of Tourism The way is merely one manner. We educators feel that there is no bottom-up attack in this communicating. The Ministry of Tourism visits us sometimes. But once more when it comes to the pupils, I think there is deficiency of engagement from them the Ministry of Tourism. ( Marnix Hospitality VSBO ) We do non acquire the chance to work with the Ministry of Tourism, possibly because we are under the horizon of the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Tourism should look at secondary schools because the work force for touristry comes from these establishments. ( Maris Stella SBO ) Coded replies Relationship between Government-Educators Maris Stella SBO Relationship exists ( Re ) Ministry of Education Relationship exists ( Re ) Marnix Hospitality VSBO Relationship exists ( Re ) Although there is grounds of strong relationships between the authorities and pedagogues, it is more evident in the instruction environment. This is because each ministry has different maps and duties and therefore play a stronger function in the environment for which they are responsible. Therefore, the Ministry of Education as the authorities organic structure in the instruction environment plays a stronger function in touristry instruction and has stronger relationships with the pedagogues. In the touristry environment, the forum at the Ministry of Tourism, the Human Resource Board meeting, discusses touristry human resource direction more than touristry instruction. This possibly accounts for the weak relationship between the Ministry of Tourism and pedagogues. One respondent, did note that there was no underside up line of communicating with the Ministry of Tourism. This remark demonstrates that interactions between stakeholders are non ever perceived as just and do non needfully affect mutual flows of information. Industry-Educators Relationships: The industry organic structures and Tourism Malaysia perceived that they do non hold close relationships with the pedagogues in discoursing the publicity of touristry as a calling or in touristry instruction: We have relationships with the university for amplifications. ( CHATA ) There surely is but I do nt believe the forums are effectual. ( CTB ) The pedagogues, nevertheless, contradict this impression by stating that they have close relationships with the industry in course of study development: For course of study reappraisals, we have a commission but the rank of the industry organic structures is non lasting because sometimes the issues that discussed affect merely some peculiar sectors. But overall, we meet the industry more than we meet the authorities. ( Maris Stella SBO ) The Curriculum Evaluation Committee at the Ministry of Education comprises the industry organic structures representatives and we meet on an ad hoc footing or when there are issues. ( Marnix Hospitality ) There seem to be conflicting positions between the industry and pedagogues in footings of relationships sing the issue of human resource direction in touristry, peculiarly in advancing touristry as a calling in Curacao. The industry feels that the relationships between them and the pedagogues in course of study development are non evident while the pedagogues frequently noted that the coactions are close with the industry during the developments and alterations of the course of study. One possible account for these conflicting positions is the fact that the forums where both stakeholders meet were mediated by the authorities. Therefore, the industry does non see a direct relationship with the pedagogues in course of study development because the forums were at the Ministry of Education and non secondary schools. Although the forums were mediated by the Ministry, pedagogues perchance perceive themselves as portion of the ministry and therefore see the forums as direct relationships with the industry. Nevertheless, the authorities emphasized that the functions of industry and pedagogues are of import in the preparation of policies in touristry human resource development, and will guarantee that such cooperation continues to go on: The industry and pedagogues must look at each other in the sense that they can complement each other, so that the cooperation could travel the authorities policy frontward much faster. The industry knows what they want from the instruction system and the pedagogues can supply harmonizing to the industry s demands. The authorities will supply the environment for that to go on. ( Ministry of Tourism ) The functions of both industry and pedagogues are of import and the authorities will do certain this is ongoing. ( Ministry of Labor Affairs ) Coded replies Relationship between Industry-Educators CHATA Relationship exists ( Re ) CTB Relationship exists ( Re ) ; Relationship non effectual ( Rna ) Maris Stella SBO Relationship exists ( Re ) ; Relationship non effectual ( Rna ) Marnix Hospitality Relationship exists ( Re ) ; Relationship non effectual ( Rna ) Ministry of touristry Relationship exists ( Re ) The relationships and cooperation amongst stakeholders in Curacao in advancing touristry callings exist but at different strengths. The Ministry of Education has near cooperation with both the industry and pedagogues ; nevertheless, the Ministry of Tourism cooperates more with the industry than with the pedagogues. Therefore, the relationships between the authorities and both industry and pedagogues seem stronger in the instruction environment than in the touristry environment where the relationship between the Ministry of Tourism and pedagogues is perceived as weak. The failing of the relationship between the Ministry of Tourism and pedagogues is a contemplation of the division of duties between the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Higher Education. The Ministry of Tourism is non to a great extent involved in affairs related to touristry instruction. The relationships between industry and pedagogues besides exist, but are perceived otherwise by the stakeholders. Industry does non see direct relationships with the pedagogues yet the pedagogues believe that the cooperation is ongoing peculiarly in touristry instruction. One cardinal issue that emerged is that the authorities plays a go-between function in conveying all the stakeholders together by supplying the forum for the employers and pedagogues to run into and discourse issues related to tourism instruction and advancing touristry as a alumnus calling. Promotion of touristry as a calling: the stakeholders were asked about steps and activities that they have been set abouting in advancing touristry as a calling to pupils. This survey found that there are metameric duties between the authorities bureaus. There is a division of labour among them. The Ministry of Tourism focal points on activities to advance touristry callings. However, the activities are limited to merely secondary school pupils ; they are merely conducted by the industry organic structure. For the clip being our seminar on callings in touristry is limited. At the same clip an industry association besides conducted awareness plans about callings in their sector and this is funded by the Ministry . ( Ministry of Tourism ) Conversely, other Ministries put more accent on advancing touristry plans than touristry callings. For illustration, the Ministry of Labor personal businesss conducts promotional activities that merely advance touristry plans at peculiar establishments. However, they argue that by advancing touristry plans the pupils will develop their involvements and be inclined to do touristry a calling: We conduct awareness plans to advance touristry plans offered by our secondary schools in all countries of survey. As for the calling pick, we will promote and steer them for callings in touristry while they are still in school but the determination rests in the alumnuss ain custodies once they completed the plan. ( Ministry of Education ) Our offices do publicity but this is being done overall regardless of the sector. For a more specialised sector like touristry, the preparation establishments themselves do their ain promotional enterprises. ( Ministry of Labor personal businesss ) Unlike the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry Labor personal businesss, and the Ministry of Education quoted above who promote either touristry callings or touristry plans, the Ministry instruction does non stipulate any activities or programs to advance touristry. They indicate that that there is no program to add more universities offering touristry plans. This is because the Ministry do non see the demand for university gr
Friday, November 22, 2019
All About Abbreviations
All About Abbreviations All About Abbreviations All About Abbreviations By Guest Author This is a guest post by Letia Graening. An abbreviation is defined as a shortened version of a word or phrase. But did you know that there are many different types of abbreviations? Here is a list of abbreviation types: Acronym – This forms a word using the initial parts or first letters of a name. For example, ABBA, MADD, and OPEC are all acronyms that take the first letter from each word to form a new word. Lesser known acronyms include scuba and laser. The latter examples show that not all acronyms have to be capitalized. Initialism Also called alphabetism, this is a group of letters, each pronounced separately, used as an abbreviation for a name or expression. Examples include: CD, TV, and UK. Truncation This type of abbreviation consists only of the first part of a word. These are most often used when referring to proper titles such as months of the year or days of the week, e.g., Mon., Fri., Apr., Oct. Clipped – Similar to truncation in that you are using a part of the word to form the abbreviation, but in this case you’re using either the middle or end. Common clipped abbreviations include phone (telephone) and fridge (refrigerator). Aphesis In this case, you have dropped the unstressed vowel at the beginning of the word. These are often unintentional and casually spoken versions of the words. Perhaps the best example is cause instead of because. Portmanteau The blending of two or more words will give you a portmanteau. Some of my personal favorites include liger (lion and tiger), spork (spoon and fork), skort (shorts and skirt), and brinner (breakfast and dinner). Some things to consider when using abbreviations: Anyone can make up an abbreviation and many are non-standard. They should, therefore, be left out of formal writing. If the full word would be capitalized (e.g., Sunday or January), make sure to capitalize the abbreviation (e.g., Sun. or Jan.). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:35 Synonyms for â€Å"Look†Cannot or Can Not?30 Words for Small Amounts
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Highway engineering 1 (civil) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Federalist Papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Federalist Papers - Essay Example The historical consensus is that the Federalist faction eventually triumphed over the Anti-federalist faction primarily because of the intellectual advantage that developed as a result of these publications. Federalist Paper 10 was written by James Madison and it specifically addresses the issue of the power and inherent danger of factional interests. The overriding argument between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists rested upon the fear of too much power in the hands of a centralized government. To counter these legitimate concerns, Madison's contribution to the Federalist Papers turned out to be one of the most important. Madison's argument rested upon the proposition that one of the finest achievements of the Constitution was that it offered a method of controlling the dangers of factions. Madison defined factions as "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community" (Ball 41). These factions are created by differences of opinion and interests and Madison regarded them as i nevitability. The hidden danger of the inevitability of factions is that even when no single faction becomes too powerful, the political infighting can often lead to an obstruction of the interests of the larger public and they have the potential for disenfranchising entire groups and infringing upon the rights of the less powerful. Madison's contention that factions are an inevitable part of a society revealed the soft underbelly of even a representative democratic state. Those who have wealth to protect will tend to gravitate toward others with the same economic interests. Factions can be created around any shared interest or goal, but the primary issue behind the rise of factions will always be power and wealth and the distribution of each. Madison contended well before Karl Marx that property owners are in constant conflict with those who do not. The extrapolation from this assertion is that heart of factionalism in the United States arises as a result of the divergence between the haves and the have-nots. Since property is bound to be divided unequally, and since property means different things to different people, even the interests of those who own property may differ. Madison declares in Federalist 10 that it is in the interest of the government to offer protection of the interests of property owners, wh ile at the same time regulate the inevitable conflicts that arise between property owners and those without. Madison argues that controlling a faction can only be accomplished by eliminating the cause of the conflict or taming its effects. To eliminate the cause of conflict would require the surrender of certain liberties and rights and Madison considered this to be a cure that would do more harm than the disease. The only other way to eliminate the causes of conflict would be to somehow ensure a system in which such things as opinions and interests were shared. Obviously, that would be impossible. The only choice left is to control the effects of the conflict that creates factions and Madison proposed the Constitution as the finest mechanism by which such control could be enacted. Pure democracy was deemed to not be the answer as Madison and the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Indian Republic Day Speech Essay Example for Free
Indian Republic Day Speech Essay India celebrates our 64th Republic Day which is one of three national days in India. Commonly 64th Republic Day is a public holiday in most of the countries to honor the day on which the country first became republics. In such some are Commonwealth countries, the British sovereign was ruling the state until the change of status. Even though India obtained freedom on August 15, 1947, Indian Constitution implemented and came into effect only on January 26, 1950. King George VI, the last and only â€Å"King†of the modern India, was leading our state during the evolution period from 1947 to 1950. Lord Mountbatten and C. Rajagopalachari were serving as the Governors-General of India at that time. Afterwards Rajendra Prasad was elected as the first president of India on January 26, 1950. With this the Parliament officially approved the Constitution of India and declared itself as a â€Å"Republic†on January 26, 1950, a date thereafter celebrated every year as Republic Day in India. Lets know about India Republic Day official celebration in New Delhi. According to the Republic Day celebration on January 26th every year a grand parade is held in New Delhi, the Capital of India, beginning from Raisina Hill near the Presidential Palace Rashtrapati Bhavan, along the Rajpath, past India Gate and on to the historic Red Fort in the heart of the city to honor this occasion. Defence forces of state, Indian Army force, the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force performs the past in parade with their ceremonial dress and official decorations on this auspicious occasion of Republic Day. At the end of parade Air Force jets perform a colorful flypast by in a Tiranga formation which is adventurous and eye-catching at a time. Similar celebrations with such parades are held in the capitals of all the states of India on the Republic day. The Governor of the each state takes the salute in their respective celebrations. More over all official government offices will also celebrate this national day which is also considered as people’s day. Once this salutation gets over, a 21 gun salute is presented, the President unfurls the National Flag and the National Anthem is performed. This regards the beginning of the parade. The Republic day Parade commences with winners of bravery awards passing the President in open jeeps. We all are proud to be Indians and would salute the great glory of our country. By saying this I would like to finish my speech.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Leonardo Da Vinci :: Art Science Humanity
Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the greatest and most ingenious men that history has produced. His contributions in the areas of art, science, and humanity are still among the most important that a single man has put forth, definitely making his a life worth knowing. Da Vinci, born on April 15, 1452, is credited with being a master painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, and scientist. He was born an illegitimate child to Catherina, a peasant girl. His father was Ser Piero da Vinci, a public notary for the city of Florence, Italy. For the first four years of his life he lived with his mother in the small village of Vinci, directly outside of the great center of the Renaissance, Florence. Catherina was a poor woman, with possible artistic talent, the genetic basis of Leonardo’s talents. Upon the realization of Leonardo’s potential, his father took the boy to live with him and his wife in Florence (Why did). This was the start of the boy’s education and his q uest for knowledge. Leonardo was recognized by many to be a "Renaissance child" because of his many talents. As a boy, Leonardo was described as being handsome, strong, and agile. He had keen powers of observation, an imagination, and the ability to detach himself from the world around him. At an early age Leonardo became interested in subjects such as botany, geology, animals (specifically birds), the motion of water, and shadows (About Leonardo). At the age of 17, in about 1469, Leonardo was apprenticed as a garzone (studio boy) to Andrea del Verrocchio, the leading Florentine painter and sculptor of his day. In Verrocchio’s workshop Leonardo was introduced to many techniques, from the painting of altarpieces and panel pictures to the creation of large sculptural projects in marble and bronze. In 1472 he was accepted in the painter’s guild of Florence, and worked there for about six years. While there, Leonardo often painted portions of Verrocchio’s paintings for him, such as the background and the kneeling angel on the left in the Baptism of Christ (Encarta). Leonardo’s sections of the painting have soft shadings, with shadows concealing the edges. These areas are distinguished easily against the sharply defined figures and objects of Verrocchio, that reflect the style called Early Renaissance. Leonardo’s more graceful approach marked the beginning of the High Renaissance. However, this style did not become more popular in Italy for another 25 year (Gilbert 46). Leonardo Da Vinci :: Art Science Humanity Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the greatest and most ingenious men that history has produced. His contributions in the areas of art, science, and humanity are still among the most important that a single man has put forth, definitely making his a life worth knowing. Da Vinci, born on April 15, 1452, is credited with being a master painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, and scientist. He was born an illegitimate child to Catherina, a peasant girl. His father was Ser Piero da Vinci, a public notary for the city of Florence, Italy. For the first four years of his life he lived with his mother in the small village of Vinci, directly outside of the great center of the Renaissance, Florence. Catherina was a poor woman, with possible artistic talent, the genetic basis of Leonardo’s talents. Upon the realization of Leonardo’s potential, his father took the boy to live with him and his wife in Florence (Why did). This was the start of the boy’s education and his q uest for knowledge. Leonardo was recognized by many to be a "Renaissance child" because of his many talents. As a boy, Leonardo was described as being handsome, strong, and agile. He had keen powers of observation, an imagination, and the ability to detach himself from the world around him. At an early age Leonardo became interested in subjects such as botany, geology, animals (specifically birds), the motion of water, and shadows (About Leonardo). At the age of 17, in about 1469, Leonardo was apprenticed as a garzone (studio boy) to Andrea del Verrocchio, the leading Florentine painter and sculptor of his day. In Verrocchio’s workshop Leonardo was introduced to many techniques, from the painting of altarpieces and panel pictures to the creation of large sculptural projects in marble and bronze. In 1472 he was accepted in the painter’s guild of Florence, and worked there for about six years. While there, Leonardo often painted portions of Verrocchio’s paintings for him, such as the background and the kneeling angel on the left in the Baptism of Christ (Encarta). Leonardo’s sections of the painting have soft shadings, with shadows concealing the edges. These areas are distinguished easily against the sharply defined figures and objects of Verrocchio, that reflect the style called Early Renaissance. Leonardo’s more graceful approach marked the beginning of the High Renaissance. However, this style did not become more popular in Italy for another 25 year (Gilbert 46).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
War and Politics: Are both one in the same
His home in England was near the main gathering point for the D-Day invasion. Along with his fathers service in World War I, Keegan felt himself drawn towards the military and its workings. Unfortunately Keegan was unable to serve in the British Military due to a childhood illness. Although Keegan was unable to serve his country, he was determined to find his way into some aspect of the military. With a degree at Oxford, Keegan became a military historian. This essay will take a look into Keegans work, A History of Warfare, and his thesis that war is not a continuation of politics. This essay will refute his thesis with evidence from Clausewitz, fallacies in Keegans novel and military conflicts over the past thirty years. Keegan has dissected the workings of the military and the military soldier. In his novel A History of Warfare, Keegan disputes the Clausewitzen theory that war is the continuation of policy by other means. Keegan supports his theory by giving explanations of how Clausewitzens theory is invalid. To understand Keegans position one must first be familiar with Clausewitz. Clausewitz was a Prussian regimental officer during the Napoleonic wars. Upon retirement, he wrote the book On War. The books main thesis was war is the continuation by policy by other means. Keegan disagrees with Clausewitz by saying: Such at statement implies the existence of states, of state interests and of rational calculation about how they may be achieved. Yet war antedates the state, diplomacy and strategy by many millennia. Clausewitz, a child of Aristotle, went no further than to say that a political animal is war making animal. Neither dared confront the thought that man is a thinking animal in whom the intellect directs the urge to hunt and the ability to kill. Keegan suggests that war precedes states by many millenniums. First, Clausewitzs thesis does not imply there must be existence of states. Perhaps the political entity of the state did not exist but tribal life did. The tribe is a political entity. The bible has many accounts of tribal warfare for political gain. It varies from Moses leaving Egypt to David defeating Goliath. Keegan also states that war precedes diplomacy and strategy as well. The bible also recounts many strategies and diplomacy between tribes and states. Some historians might object to the bible being a reliable source but no one can refute that what happened in the bible was not true or accurate. We are cultural animals and it is the richness of our culture which allows us to accept our undoubted potentiality for violence but to believe nevertheless that its expression is a cultural aberration. History lessons remind us that the states in which we live, their institutions, even their laws, have come to us through conflict, often of the most bloodthirsty sort. Keegan is referring to the statement made by Aristotle in which he said, Man is a political animal. Keegan said that Clausewitz is a child of Aristotle and he believes that a political animal is a war-making animal. Keegan refutes them by saying, Neither dared confront the thought that man is a thinking animal in whom the intellect directs the urge to hunt and the ability to kill. How can he say that he disagrees with Clausewitzs theory when he himself claims that the states we live in now have come to be by conflict Doesnt that support Clausewitzs theory The point about neither Aristotle nor Clausewitz confront the fact that man is a thinking animal is a bit confusing. Yes man is a thinking animal and throughout history there has been countless rulers, dictators and emperors who have used war to gain political control. A prime example would be the conflict between Julius Caesar and Pompey. While Caesar was in Gaul waging war, he used agents to dominate politics in Rome. Caesar used politics and military strength to seize control of Rome and become the emperor. Man is a thinking animal and those in power, especially in the early years of history, were continually thinking on how to get more. Keegans big fallacy is his statement; Politics played no part in the conduct of the First World War worth mentioning. He goes on to say; The Germans, French, British and Russians found themselves apparently fighting war for wars sake. The wars political objects, difficult enough to define in the first place, were forgotten. Political restraints were overwhelmed, politicians who appealed to reason were execrated, and politics even in the liberal democracies was rapidly reduced to a mere justification of bigger battles, longer casualty lists, costlier budgets and overflowing human misery. The Encarta Encyclopedia states the following; The underlying causes of World War I were the spirit of intense nationalism that permeated Europe throughout the 19th and into the 20th century, the political and economic rivalry among the nations, and the establishment and maintenance in Europe after 1871 of large armaments and of two hostile military alliances. The fundamental causes of he conflict were rooted deeply in the European history of the previous century, particularly in the political and economic policies that prevailed on the Continent after 1871, the year that marked the emergence of Germany as a great world power. Keegan fails to give one argument supporting his statement. How he can say that politics played no role worth mentioning is beyond me. He not only gives no arguments but goes on to say, we are nevertheless right to see Clausewitz as the ideological father of the First World War, just as we are right to perceive Marx as the ideological father of the Russian Revolution. The appalling fate that those armies brought upon themselves by their dedication to it may be Clausewitzs enduring legacy. To compare Clausewitz and Marx is stretching it a bit. To blame Clausewitz for World War I is ludicrous. Once again Keegan fails to support his theory. Keegan goes on to say that Clausewitz is the ideological father of World War I. One can concur that if Keegan states Clausewitzs is to blame for World War I then wouldnt he be supporting Clausewitzs theory If war is the continuation of politics and Clausewitz is to blame, then isnt it correct to say that war is the continuation of politics Keegan he was not the only one who had this theory. Radical military writers such as the British historian B. H. Liddell Hart had such theories as well. He accuses him of urging the largest possible offensive with the largest possible numbers as the key to victory. Later Liddells thoughts were dismissed. Keegan, adhering to Liddells theory, once again has himself in a no win situation. He has stated that man is a thinking animal so shouldnt man be intelligent enough to figure out war and conflict without going to the past Shouldnt a general wage his own war, not an officer who wrote a book in the past Keegan concludes his theory with these thoughts; Culture is a prime determinant of the nature of warfare, as the history of its development. Politics must continue; war cannot. That is not to say that the role of the warrior is over. The world community needs, more than it has ever needed, skilful and disciplined warriors who are ready to put themselves at the service of its authority. Such warriors must properly be seen as the protectors of civilization, not its enemies. There is an even greater wisdom in the denial that politics and war belong with the same continuum. Unless we insist on denying it, our future, may belong to the men with bloodied hands. It is great to say that politics must continue but war cannot, but is it realistic For centuries war and politics have gone hand and hand. What events or individuals have given us a hope for change Are recent conflicts a testament to the future The United States involment in Bosnia, Somalia and the Gulf War has proven that. Would Keegan say that politics were not involved in those conflicts Keegan fails to address a few major conflicts in history. The Vietnam War and Korean War are not mentioned at all. The current theory underlying Vietnam and Korea were political reasons for the conflict. It is true that we went to Korea to support the South Koreans who were invaded but why were they invaded Political reasons are why. We were politically obligated to support the South Koreans. Chinas involment was purely political. The United States was not going to invade China. To the Chinese, having communist North Korea on their border was better than having the United States. Saying that Vietnam was not a political conflict does not give a reasonable explanation. The Vietnam War was the United States supporting a helpless South Vietnam and the United States fighting to keep their influence in South East Asia. With Keegans failure to address these major conflicts he leaves the reader wondering why. There are some errors of interpretation and fact in his novel as well. The atomic bomb was not designed to end wars without commitment of manpower on the battlefield as the author contends. The atomic bomb was another weapon, which we potentiality we only discovered after its use. Not until a decade later did nuclear weaponry come to take its place among equals in military establishments, at least in the United States. Keegans main goal was to refute the Clausewitz theory of war and politics. Keegan failed in this task. His inability to discuss such politically orientated conflicts such as Vietnam and Korea aids in his failure. His contention that World War I was not political was refuted by a definition in an encyclopedia. Keegan tries to offer the reader a new concept in studying military history but he is unable to get the reader to follow his train of thought.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Engaging Generation Y Employees Essay
The ability of employees to combine their commitment to the organization and the organization’s values and to work hand in hand with the other team members creating a comfortable work place that lifts up their morale to competently perform their duties is referred to as employee engagement (Bullivant 2005). These efforts enable employees to make decisions that cater for the success of the organization creating a strong bond between the employees and the organization. The virtue of self confidence and trust to the organization is developed as employees categorize themselves, as core members of the organization. Assets and resources provided by the organization are efficiently used and taken care of in an attempt of securing the future of the organization. Although employee engagement has been studied for a long period of time, its implementation seems difficult as the concept behind it has not been fully understood by employees and employers. The attempt of including employee engagement into the education curriculum has also not been successful (Bullivant 2005). The change in industrial relations has lead to the increased need of organizations to recruit an engaged workforce that assures the development of the organization. The upcoming generation Y that occupies about 40 % of the employment sector in Europe has raised concerns in their performance capability (Bullivant 2005). Employers complain about their inquisitive attitude towards the workplace culture which is not replicated into their work output. To overcome this hurdle generation Y has devised motivational schemes that help them to form an engaged workforce. A change in the order of preference between the public sectors and the private sectors is evident in this generation as a higher percentage has been employed in the public sectors comparing with the percentage of generation X and boom that are employed in the public sector (Townsend & Gebhardt 2007). Generation Y attributes job stability in the public sectors as the security of employment is enhanced. Generation Y comprises individuals that are still growing financially and require stability in employment to enable them fulfil their needs. Generation Y also associates public sectors with the ability of enhancing good employment relationship that links the employer to the employees by providing a balance between work and the personal life of the generation. In the public sectors opportunities for career development training are unending and are also provided outside work hours resulting to a quick progression of employees, because of the fairly well defined career path. This organizational culture attracts generation Y to work in the public sector, fully formulating an engaged workforce (Cook 2008). A plethora of campaigns wants the inclusion of generation Y into political activities thus increasing the desire of the generation towards politics. Public sectors provide opportunities that advocate for the development of the community to improve their welfare by improving the economic status (Milner 2000). This prevails an opportunity for the generation to actively be involved with the community and thus create better opportunities of winning their votes during political rallies. Also the recognition of their views by third party organizations results to a good development of their reputation especially since they are the future generation. Public sectors offer an attractive sum of money in their entry points thus encouraging generation Y to be fully engaged in the fundamental functions of the sector which leads to the growth of the sector and increase in the profit margins (Terry 2000). Problem statement The economy of Europe has seen its better taste in the 21st century as it has steadily grown, however due to the economic stability that the world is facing Business Secretary John Hutton of Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) has announced a review on the importance of employee engagement in the performance capability of British organizations (BERR 2008). The role undertaken by the public sector which mainly comprises the government and local authority departments in engaging generation Y employees aged between 27 years and below needs to recognize the generation as valuable assets to the organizations. The public sector needs to invest more on the generation by devising mechanisms which will advocate creation of an engaged workforce that will be more beneficial towards the performance of the sector. Therefore, this proposal will formulate strategies that will engage generation Y employees in public sector and recommendations of the evaluation criterion to be used (BERR 2008). Significance of the study (practical and ethical issue) Organizations that strive to invest in their employees so as to improve their skills and engagement usually have big profit margins which depicts a positive growth of the organization. Therefore this study is congruent in fulfilling the research objectives depicted in the problem statement as it will advocate for the establishment of business environments that will encourage employee engagement. This will help the public sector to view the employees as valuable assets thus creating an employment relationship that is long lasting. Hence this study will identify strategic measures to be implemented during employee engagement processes to help improve the productivity level of the British sector. The study will also explain the benefits British industry will attain in regards to the UK business competitiveness which depicts a progression career path for the employees. The study advocates for the abolishment of trade regulation and market barriers that affect the capability of the public sectors to stipulate policies which would help them ensure employee engagement. The study also encourages adoption of the practice by outlining the achievements of employee engagement. The study will also correlate employment engagement with business ethical behaviour that are in accordance to human, economic and social norms through the use of compliance programs that help to implement the stipulated government policies and regulations to govern the behaviour of team members in organizations. Literature review Statistics show that employee engagement creates a workforce that works with passion as it find a profound connection to the organization it is working for, resulting to the accomplishment of the organization’s policies which include the mission, vision, goals and objectives. The functions of the organization, customer service, and cost of production and marketing processes are advocated by the personal growth and unification of the common goal because of employee engagement (Bullivant 2005). A flexible organization culture that involves inclusion of team members in decision making, training programs to improve the competence of the team members and the incentive pay systems are supported by incorporation of employee engagement (Bullivant 2005). Organizations that advocate employee engagement have the advantage of retaining their employees as approximately 13% are likely to seek other employment opportunities (Milner 2000). Therefore, the need for government departments to review the importance of employee engagement in the performance capability of British organizations has increased (Bullivant 2005). To enable the public sector to engage generation Y employees they should re-evaluate their work culture to help improve employment relationship that exists between the sector and its employees. This will help the managers of the sector to value the rights of the employees and devise strategies that will lead to the respect and provision of their rights such as sick offs and company infringements. This will enable employee engagement to prevail, as the employees will connect with the managers of the sector improving their correlation (Tamara 2008). Management communication will help to spell out the functions of each team members and regularly evaluate the performance of the organization in regards to the work output of each employee. Trust and integrity will prevail as the team members will freely air their comments and grievances to a listening ear, thus helping the development of employee engagement (Fitz-Enz 2009). This will help the sector to effectively distribute their duties in accordance to the capability of generation Y thus improving their work performance. An instance where the team members will look after the welfare of the others will crop up as team work will be depicted. Through management communication the managers of the sector will be able to recognize the effort of the team members rewarding them accordingly through provision of benefits and promotion schemes which will lead to career development. This will result to retention of the dynamic generation Y employees who will take pride in the sector and thus maximize their capabilities to also develop the sector (Cheese, Thomas & Craig 2008). Offering training programs that will help the employees to understand the sector’s vision, ethics and improve their competence should be among the strategies the mangers of the public sector will use to engage generation Y employees. These programs will help the employees to increase their self confidence and knowledge thus adhering to the ethical codes stipulated by the policies of the public sector (Johnson & CIPD 2004). The managers of the sector will also attend training programs that will help them to learn strategies, values and tactics that will help them in the engagement of generation Y employees into the public sector. This will further increase the credibility of the sector as employment engagement will improve the reputation of the sector thus marketing it. The sector will also increase its scope of customers and thus strive in the stiff competition presented by the private sector (Pinnington, Macklin & Campbell 2007). Research design The research methodology used in this study will measure on the generality and applicability of engaging generation Y employees in the public sector to improve the British industry. Action research that identifies the problem of this study in the existing business practice will be used, as solutions that will be immediately incorporated into the business plan and organization culture of the public sector will result. The study will also rely on the historical perspective of the study problem to help determine the success and failures of previous attempt in engaging generation Y employees in the public sector. The scope of the research will be controlled by the information availed by library and field research. The information collected will be ordered in a descriptive manner to effectively elaborate issues that correlate with the study problems.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A World Without Father or Husbands Essays - Matriarchy, Mosuo
A World Without Father or Husbands Essays - Matriarchy, Mosuo Anthropology 10-25-15 A World Without Father or Husbands In Southwest China, near the border of Tibet, stands Lugu Lake. This area is home to the Matriarchal society of the Mosuo people. This ethnic group has culture far different than that of any other Chinese ethnic group. Here, women can have relationships with whomever they please. Men can too, but women earn their respect from doing so. Men dont have much work to do, as women are the driving workforces of the households. It is very evident how women have a higher status in this culture. Usually in other Chinese cities, women are more reserved and are not as respected as the men are. In Lugu Lake, the women are seen laughing and joking around, as well as discussing their multiple lovers. The men always visit the women, as women lose respect if they are the ones visiting. There are no telephones here, so the men will show up to their lovers house without planning. They general visit every two to six months and stay for around four days. The men then leave without a hug or goodbye. These festive visits are very interesting and quite impressive as these women are able to live their lives without any rejection or humiliation from the public, like we do here in America. Women in other countries are usually shamed for being open about their romantic lives. Given, as some of the younger children of the Mosuo people want their fathers to be more involved in their lives, it is clear that modern culture is playing a key influence. Over time, this influence will shape the culture of these people differently. This video definitely relates to our Anthropology class, because we can see how vastly different other cultures are, and how they can change depending on influential factors.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Top 12 Creative Writing College Programs †Pro-Academic-Writers.com
Top 12 Creative Writing College Programs It may be too difficult to choose a dedicated creative writing program at the institution of your dreams. Another thing you should care about is how to pass the admissions process. Anyway, there are always some world-known alternatives that attract most of the students. Our team has researched several options in the field of creative writing colleges and corresponding programs to come up with this list of the top demanded colleges for creative writing in the USA. How Did We Choose? College rankings do not always reflect the reality. US News rating might be the most accurate, but you still have to rely on the obvious information you find about each creative college of your interest. We have prepared our own list based on the feedback of thousands of students as well as some other crucial factors. Mind not just what the rankings are, but how they are defined. Our top list will assist in your personal investigation. While observing, don’t forget to take notes which might be useful for your further admissions essay. In case you’re having some troubles with creative or academic writing, contact online writing help website to get a winning personal statement. First of all, it is important to understand which criteria I have used to name the best colleges in the field of creative writing. My first stage was to narrow down my search results by leaving only those institutions that proposed a particular creative writing major degree. In case you are sure in the competence of some schools which are not on the list, it may mean they only offer minors. While ranking those schools, we considered 5 basic factors: MFA Ranking - This point stands for the level of local personnel proficiency and the number of smart students specific college attracts. We have looked through professors’ qualifications to choose the best places in terms of teaching. It was also noticed that colleges with powerful MFA programs tend to possess perfect alumni networks and internship options. At the same time, one has to realize that a lot of colleges with excellent undergraduate programs lack MFAs. Overall Creative College Reputation - You still have to understand that the majority of your future classes will be in other areas than creative writing. Thus, we have evaluated the level of teaching other subjects such as English and Literature as well. Extracurricular Opportunities - Another benefit of obtaining major in creative writing is that it can lead to various creative writing opportunities after class, meaning part-time job and other activities. That is why our team has taken into account such features as internship programs, author readings, and literary magazines offered by the explored college. Learning Diversity - We have awarded extra points to each creative college with a large range of professional fields and interesting additional classes. Alumni/Prestige - We can say that deciding on this criterion is a rather subjective process, but we tried to do our best. We have searched for the famous writers released by the particular institutions. The product of any university is its graduates, so they have to be evaluated in order to assess the quality of local teaching. Possessing a brand name degree can be useful in many life situations. Top Preferred Creative Writing Schools Now it’s time to look at the list itself. It is not that easy to locate these wonderful creative colleges objectively, so we would say that it is simply the list of the best schools, not just another rating. While those placed on the first five places are simply amazing, the rest might be called super good. So, don’t take the numbering close to your heart. #1: Northwestern University Northwestern's undergrad creative writing program has conquered the hearts of many students as it is run by acclaimed tutors and graduates who became word-known authors (i.e., Veronica Roth with her â€Å"Divergent†). The University suggests that students get involved in such activities as running literary journal, interning at a publication, or submitting to the Department of English's yearly creative writing competition. #2: Columbia University The institution offers two great programs: the one in creative writing and the one in journalism. Being located in NYC, students have an opportunity to try their best in local publishing houses and literary journals. #3: University of Iowa University of Iowa's Graduate Writer’s Workshop is what makes this place absolutely special. It is called the most wanted MFA program in the US. Famous writers and established professors allow choosing from a large list of subjects. University’s literary community will provide you with any book or manual you need for free. #4: Emory University If you have a desire to study creative writing along with the most professional authors and scholars, Emory is right for you. Except for the regular classes, each student has a chance to visit questions-answers face-to-face sessions with the award-winning writers and journalists. You will be able to work closely with a personal counselor to complete an honors project. #5: Oberlin College Oberlin is actually a pretty small liberal arts school in Ohio. Lena Dunham, who attends the school regularly to speak to the students, was among the local alums. Students can pursue writing in the surrounding city. #6: Hamilton College One more tiny college, situated in upstate New York. Local students have a pure interest to observe topics both during the lectures and out of the classroom. The opportunities to intern and publish impress. #7: Brown University Brown's Literary Arts program is known for one of the leading MFAs in the United States. Core requirements are excluded, so students are free to explore additional topics after classes with the help of the stellar English department and screenwriting program. #8: Washington University in St. Louis Enjoy local magnificent MFA program along with the diversity of topics, wide range of scholarships, and creative writing jobs you may find outside the university. #9: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Even though the place has a lot to do with technology, it still has a special creative writing program. It can boast an interesting course in digital media. Besides, except for creative writing, students can master the art of scientific writing. It provides each student with an extraordinary set of skills and more career perspectives. #10: University of Michigan The University of Michigan is one of the best American universities in general. It is obvious that it offers a top-notch MFA. The program is aimed to provide every interested student with the excellent creative writing major and good reputation. #11: Johns Hopkins University Remove engineering major from the list of this university, and you’ll get enrolled in the dedicated creative writing program. After passing its valuable courses, one will be able to compose poetry, fiction as well as official reports and persuasive essays. #12: Colorado College One more small liberal arts college on the list. It is outstanding thanks for the block plan, which makes it possible to concentrate on a single class per three-and-a-half-week block. You’ll take four writing workshops and visit every reading of the Visiting Writers Series. Don’t forget about New York University writing opportunities as well! How to Make a Final Decision? Don’t lose your head – have a look at the most important criteria to consider when selecting the degree and college which is right for you. Are you interested in the suggested college courses? Analyze which skills you wish to obtain and what each college program offers. Match your personal desires with what the target school proposes. What opportunities are expecting after your classes? Discover whether there will be an opportunity to practice your creative skills outside the college. It can be everything: from campus newspaper to local music or fashion magazine. Who'll be teaching you? The best way to decide on this factor is to analyze Rate My Professor section of each college’s official website. Pay attention to objective comments only. What is the alumni’s future? Find out who used to graduate from the walls of your target college. Are these people successful? What about the rest of the school? Analyze and evaluate all courses provided by your college. Make sure to select the college where you like the entire curriculum so that you won’t have a desire to miss some classes. All you have to do once you decide on your target college is to prepare a creative writing piece (personal statement + cover letter) and apply for the chosen program. In case there are any obstacles on your way to inspiring creative writing, contact online writers and buy original admissions essay or cover letter that would increase your chances to be accepted.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Coursework Example Equitable distribution of income Protecting their economy’s environment The order of importance of the objectives varies for different economies due to their different governments and institutions. Most economies would consider inflation as the most important objective where as other economies with a more socialist approach would focus on equitable distribution of income and reducing unemployment. One of the conflicts governments might face is the tradeoff between inflation, employment and GDP growth. When unemployment tends to fall in an economic boost and a strong GDP, the economy may face high inflation rates, both demand-pull and cost-push and the power of money to buy also called the purchasing power parity falls. This may actually have counter effect than what it should have, that is, positive, due to a rise in GDP. Any policies that control inflation may also lower the employment rate, thus achieving one objective, but conflicting the other. The economy may also experie nce deflation, which is negative inflation and which again lowers the employment rate, and raises the unemployment rate. Then there is the conflict between the objectives of economic growth and environmental protection. In an effort to shift the production frontier outwards, governments may have to forgo the fact that they are putting pressure on the already scarce resources, and actually may lower the living standards which are objectives in almost all economies and may also deplete the scarce resources in their effort to grow. They may also threaten the sustainability of the environment for generations to come. The third conflict is between economic growth and inflation. Rising demand for goods and services may not only increase the price of output but also the price on inputs such as raw materials, energy prices and wages. And so this would lead to increasing inflation, and in some cases hyperinflation. China and India in 2010 faced this kind of accelerating inflation. Higher rat es of inflation are also detrimental to economic growth since they affect profits, businesses and jobs. Interest rates curb the high rates of inflation and high interest rates actually appreciate the currency and have a negative impact on exports since they become expensive on the global market and their demand falls thus having a negative impact on the growth rate of the economy. The last conflict is between balance of payments and economic growth. A higher GDP is achieved when consumer demand is usually high. And this usually leads to a worsening of the balance of trade especially if the marginal propensity to trade is high. (Mankiw, 2000) Lastly, the betterment of the balance of payment situation can actually boost growth in the economy, especially by exports, but may cause another objective to fail, that is, it might lead to demand pull inflation in certain cases. (Mankiw, 2000) Governments also have direct control over two of the economy’s macroeconomic policies: fiscal and monetary policies. Fiscal policies deal with the economy’s budget and are managed by the Legislative and Executive branches of the government. Monetary policies are conducted by the central bank of the economy or the Federal Reserve. Fiscal policy is a means by which government controls the economy by adjusting its spending and the tax rate. When the
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