
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Comparing Wordsworth and Keats’ Romantic Poetry. Essay -- English Lite

Comparing Wordsworth and Keats romantic Poetry. two Wordsworth and Keats are romantic Poets, they express ideas on character and mail us the meaning to respect it. They say we have toadmire the cup of tea of nature in divers(prenominal) ways. Wordsworh uses innocentrlanguage in his poems wether to express simple or involved ideas, bywhich we understand he aimed his poems to lower classes. Keatsinstead, uses such(prenominal) more complex language to describe and express hisideas, so we bash he aimed his poems to the educated. During theromnatic period, poets would mainly send come forward the message to admirenature and see the beauty in it. We should fine joy in nature andnature should be our teacher.In the poem composed upon Westminster Bridge Wordsworth makes us completelywant to see the beauty he saw that aurora time looking down on the quietcity the beauty of the morning silent, bare. Meanwhile Keats inon the sea compares the city to the countryside. Both these poem sare Sonnets and in iambic pentameter so a regular cycle is take a crapdthroughout both poems. The rhyming shunning of CUWB is ABBA, ABBA inthe fist a few(prenominal) lines just analogous OTS. The poems differ in the rhymescheme at the end CUWB is CDCDCD while OTS ends witha rhymescheme of CDEDEC a more complex scheme reflecting more complexideas.Throughout the poem Keats repeats some sounds, like echoes in the sea,he creates this effect by by repeating the letter S. Wordsworth usesalliterantion too to emphasise the idea of the cities Majesty. Take,sight, so, its houses, seem, asleep which is designed to persuadeus and to create a greater impact on the reader.In OTS Keats uses verbs to create personification throughout thepoem keeps makes us think t... ...d for a different effect in On the sea. Wrodsworth has a rhyming scheme of ABABCC to make the sound moreflowing. Keats instead has a more complex, furher apart(predicate) rhyming schemeof ABABCDEDECE. The main message of the poem To Autumn is that fall is rich, and it is sent out ina more formal way thenDaffodils where the message id more person-to-person because it isWordsworths feelings and he sends them straight to you by apply oftenthe word I and giving it an endering informality.Both poets send out a similar message in all theur poems for they bothwrote in the romantic period and they both believed that nature wasmore powerful than man, thet we all had to respect it and celebratethe beauty it had created on earth.Perhaps it was his informality and personal approach, and his simplerlanguage, which made Wordsworth mroe popular than Keats.

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