
Friday, July 19, 2019

Research Paper - Class Size -- essays papers

Research Paper - Class Size Class size is a very popular topic that is greatly research through out educational settings. Class size deals with how many students are in the classroom at once. Class size can vary greatly. It can depended on the location of the school, where the more rural areas have only one high school while in a city environment there could be twenty-three high schools in one area. Location also depends on the amount of population in that area. Class size also can depend on the level of schooling. Such as in a major university there could be two hundred students in one class, while in a local elementary school there is only eighteen students in one class. Class size can depend on what kind of class is being taught. In physical education, classes could be fitted together to make enough equal time for all students to attended physical education that day. Many researches have been performed to see the effect of class size has on many different aspects of education. Some of the aspects of educatio n that researchers study the effect of class size on were academic achievement, discipline, teacher morale, student motivation, class involvement, and the way the information is presented to the students. The researchers try out different size classes and use one variable that stays the same such as discipline. The researchers then can see the positive and negative effects of each class size. Then the researchers can make a theory about what those have found. The researchers have done many studies on each of these aspects of education and many other aspects of education. The main aspect of education that the researchers like to perform studies on is relating class size and its effects on academic achievement. Academ... ...dent sand parents want the best they should attended a class size that is small, because research as shown that the smaller the class is, the better the student will do. Bibliography Biddle, B., & Berliner, D. (2002). Small Class Size and Its Effects. Educational Leadership, 59 (5), 12-20. Finn, J. (2002). Small Classes in American Schools: Research, Practice, and Politics. Mid-Western Educational Research, 15 (1), 19-25. Lesser, D., & Ferrand, J. (2000). Effect of Class Size, Grades Given, and Academic Field on Student Opinion of Instruction. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 24 (4), 269- 277. Mueller, D., & Chase, C. (1988). Effects of Reduced Class Size in Primary Classes. Educational Leadership, 45 (5), 48-51. Vedder, R. (1988). School Productivity, Class Size, and Choice. Updating School Board Policies, 19 (11), 574-576.

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